Just admit it, ladies

Just admit it, ladies

Posted by Bozo_dubbed_over

  1. What’s funny is that Ben Stiller’s character is really similar to how the current dudebros in the GOP really are. And it’s horrifying

  2. Yeah, everybody loves a big round face, snake oil salesman that wears black eyeliner; my dream man, sigh

  3. Conservatives coming at women with the “I know you can’t deny *this*” awkward penguin approach.

    No wonder these guys are fucking radioactive on dating sites. 

  4. I’m starting to think these Republican talkin heads might be a little weird about JD Vance

  5. Republicans for some reason, are convinced that women will only really be happy if they’re barefoot and pregnant with a black eye. That women are currently out performing males in colleges across the country seems to be lost on them.

  6. and they continue to rationalize why women won’t date them or would rather be childless cat people. Guess who will actually be single the longest.

  7. That was a lot of words to say, “I know; I can’t get dates because women aren’t good enough for me!”

  8. I grew up in San Francisco: JD is so far back in the closet he’s picking fights with Narnia.

  9. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/peter-thiels-conservative-dating-app-floundering-after-3-months](https://www.thedailybeast.com/peter-thiels-conservative-dating-app-floundering-after-3-months)

    Dec 28, 2022 — Twelve weeks after its rocky launch, conservative *dating* app The *Right* Stuff is still failing to seduce large numbers of *right*-*wing* users.

    *”These days, it’s hard to find a woman who values my patriotism. My faith. And so after being ghosted by every match on Tinder, I decided to give this app a try. […] But the weird thing was, I couldn’t find any women on it. I don’t know, maybe the app is bugged?”*

  10. Every single woman wants to be a rich white man’s token minority that he uses like a pawn to further his grift!

  11. “ladies secretly crave a man baby who doesn’t know how to order donuts on his own.” – a take that even andrew tate would find too cringey

  12. As a straight male, I’m gonna make an educated guess that (other than “wants kids”, which is only true for some) these traits are so generic as to be meaningless.

    * Makes six figures? Okay so he has a decent middle class job. “Makes six figures” hasn’t meant “wealthy” in decades. 

    * Loves his wife? Sure but that’s a gimme; obviously if she marries him she expects him to love her, is that even an option? Unless “loves his wife” refers to another person, in which case this is Republican cuckquean fetish scenario. (Can’t put it past them.)

    * Six feet? Weird ask, but I guess insect-men need love too.

    No mention of interests or life goals. Conveniently ignores the massive gap in values between normal person and JD Vance. I don’t think this tweet is a good representation of what women want.

    But I’m just guessing

  13. The secret about single right-wing men is they want to date, but no one on Tinder will swipe right on a republican or “moderate,” so they end up red-pilled and posting dumb shit about left-wing women.

  14. How in the world do so many right-wing nutjobs manage to create a delusion that is exactly 180 degrees reversed from reality?

    I’m a submissive woman. My relationships tend towards 24/7 D/s. I love being the submissive partner, i love being a subby li’l domestic housewife. I love cooking and taking care of the house, providing a warm and cozy home for my partner to come home to after a hard day. I love making them feel like a king.

    I’m everything these fuckbois want in a woman, with one glaring exception: I respect myself and my submission **waaaaay** too much to let one of *them* so much as lay a finger on me.

    And I’m not alone. I’m active in my local kink community, and 99 out of 100 women that I interact with who also practice BDSM would never ever let a right-wing asshole touch them. Right-wing ideology is listed as a hard limit on *so many* fetlife profiles, it’s not even funny.

    So once again, these right-wing assholes have it completely wrong. *they’re* the ones who want the submissive, liberal women…and they’ll never get us…

    They compensate by creating a fiction in their heads where *we’re* the ones who are unfulfilled.

  15. So, JD is loved by gay men, guys who think the bartender is flirting with them, and now single left-wing women.

    Gosh, is there anyone who *doesn’t* love JD? Has anyone made an effort to poll or focus-group living room furniture?

  16. I suppose some find him “attractive” but he looks softer then a wet paper bag… only thing softer then JDvagans is trump tiny ass hands.

  17. I love when right-wing twitter(so basically just twitter) all comes together to push a bullshit narrative. Especially when it’s as hilariously false such as this new one of “Vance is actually hot and you all just hate him because all your women and gays desire him.”

  18. he defends his wife’s race to white suprematists as if her not being white is a flaw

  19. Yes because there are no 6 ft men who make six figures, look good and love their wife who also happens to be liberal.

    Like, have these people ever stepped outside of their small town.

  20. Meanwhile, the average left-wing single male is all of those things + believes in her bodily autonomy + her right to vote + doesn’t believe there’s anything wrong with not being white.

    Seems like a tough choice tbh

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