Wait… JD said it was those scallywag immigrants. He wouldn’t lie right? Right?

Posted by Unita_Micahk

  1. I mean, even if it were cartels, how many Americans actually get their vices from cartel members/immigrants as opposed to American dealers? They do not get magically transported, clearly there are a bunch of Americans transporting the drugs within the American territory. Are they not a problem? Why place all the blame on immigrants? Why expect the underfunded and corrupt Mexican government to stop the flow of drugs when Americans can’t even do the same in their own territory?

  2. It turns out that criminal organisations are smart enough to use people less likely to be searched to transport drugs across the border.

  3. I’m betting they inspect migrants closer than Americans. And migrants really don’t want to give them a reason to get put together n jail.

  4. It’s not really lying if you don’t know the facts and you just guess wrong. Lying implies more of a having access to a fact (not an opinion) and still saying it’s something else, so yeah, JD was lying his as off.

  5. USA USA USA! Wait, what are we winning at this time? Oh… f@&%. Killing Americans again. Kinda not the win we need, you know?

  6. “I didn’t start a fake nonprofit pretending I was gonna help people with addiction, like JD Vance did. Literally started a nonprofit and didn’t spend one nickel on anybody,” Ryan said. “In fact, he brought in somebody from Purdue Pharma to be the spokesperson for the nonprofit. The same drug company that had all the pill mills going, got everybody addicted.”

    — Tim Ryan (@TimRyan) October 10, 2022


  7. “I didn’t start a fake nonprofit pretending I was gonna help people with addiction, like JD Vance did. Literally started a nonprofit and didn’t spend one nickel on anybody,” Ryan said. “In fact, he brought in somebody from Purdue Pharma to be the spokesperson for the nonprofit. The same drug company that had all the pill mills going, got everybody addicted.”

    — Tim Ryan (@TimRyan) October 10, 2022


  8. Said thing was I actually thought US Citizens was higher. This is the kind of thing that really should be a no shit kinda common knowledge post not a thing we have to show people.

  9. Turns out if you want to smuggle shit, you want to use people that are less likely to be imprisoned by border patrol.

  10. Right, but what color of citizens were they? They might not be the right kind of citizens to be considered “legal.”

  11. Every immigrant who comes in the country lowers the per capita crime rate. Simple fact. 

  12. Facts are anathema to Republicans. It doesn’t align with their view. I’d love to try those glasses one day and watch the news but I would have a trusted friend to help me through the experience just like a reasonable person does with an acid or ‘shrooms trip.

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