Putin damaged by Iran’s humiliation | Ben Hodges

Putin damaged by Iran’s humiliation | Ben Hodges

“I think it may be a little bit more difficult for Iran to provide meaningful weapons to Russia if they end up in a conflict.”

Iran’s strikes on Israel put the Kremlin in a “difficult position,” says Lt. Gen Ben Hodges.

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  1. I wish America would see how they've been seriously molested by arrogance of their ignorance, they keep on massaging their ego by spewing lies and misinformation on the real situation. The whole world now knows better and this face saving propaganda is not going to help them. The world now understands the parasitic imperialist agenda to subjugate and dominate others.

  2. Two State solution?? R U ignorant? The PA has refused it over 22 times and echos "From the River to the Sea" which demonstrates the enemies of Israel want them wiped of the face of the earth. It saddens me that 3 Star General fails to grasp that.

  3. 5:20 Listen to how he just glazes over Israeli crimes against humanity in the most blasé way possible. Normally I love listening to this guy, but holy christ, I know he's a lot smarter and introspective than the willful blindness he seems to exhibit here.

  4. Most world's leaders today are simply cowards. They lack spine (and other organs) to make right decisions in these difficult times. They are in politics for their own selfish interests!

  5. Hodges has been talking same nonsense about Russia being scared or defeated for almost 3 years now. Give it a rest already. Professional war monger for the military industrial complex

  6. The headlines are a function of lazy journalism and/or AI selection of topics (a growing concern). Much of it reflects a complete lack of critical thinking. Ben should be in charge again!

  7. Times Radio has often been way too optimistic about Ukraine’s situation. Just because I support Ukraine doesn't mean I can’t handle the truth about the very difficult situation it’s in.

  8. I'm an Israeli, and I am told by a US friend, that Biden won't let us hit nuclear or oil facilities, nor will he allow us to hit the Ayatollah. And that Trump will want to be on good terms with the Kremlin mainly on the issue of Ukraine, but also on the subject of Iran. So we are having our hands tied, and we will have to find risky but ineffective targets. I was in the air force, and I KNOW we could do much more if unleashed.

  9. As I see it, both Russia and Iran are authoritarian regimes that manipulate their populations and project power through dangerous proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas. These are not just geopolitical players—they're oppressive regimes that threaten both internal freedoms and regional stability. Iran’s theocracy, in particular, represents a backward, ideological threat, while Russia uses alliances to challenge Western democracies and fuel conflict for its own gain.

    The West, meanwhile, seems to consistently make strategic missteps in dealing with these threats. There's been a lack of decisive action to counter Russian aggression, and we've allowed Iran’s influence to grow unchecked. The inconsistency here is frustrating. The West often talks about upholding democratic principles but tends to sacrifice them when strategic interests muddy the waters.

    This half-hearted approach to Ukraine and Israel is particularly concerning. Any move towards appeasement or wavering support for these countries only emboldens authoritarian regimes. History has shown that when democracies falter, regimes like Russia and Iran seize the opportunity. We can’t afford that kind of weakness—there has to be a firm commitment to standing up against aggression.

    What stands out to me about Iran is how fragile the regime really is. They rely on these big parades and proxy forces to show strength, but in reality, they’re facing immense pressure both from within and from outside. I believe there’s a real opportunity for the Iranian people to finally overthrow their rulers if the regime’s grip continues to weaken. But we’ve seen the dangers of overt U.S. involvement in regime change before—so any effort has to be organic, not manufactured by external forces.

    When I think about Russia, I have no patience for talk of negotiating with a regime that commits war crimes and never lives up to its agreements. The idea that Ukraine should be pressured into a deal with them is absurd. We need to be clear: allowing Ukraine to fail would not just be a disaster for them, but for Europe and the West as a whole. If we back down, it will send a signal to the world that we lack the courage and will to stand up to aggression.

    Ultimately, we need moral clarity. There’s no room for half-measures when dealing with regimes like Russia and Iran. The stakes are too high.

  10. General Ben Hodges is coming out of this conflict with the russian and islamic dictatorships as a star.
    People have come to believe Hodges simply because of his track record in being on the money.
    Slava Ukraini & Heroyam Slava

  11. Hmeimim Air Base, the largest Russian air base in Syria, located in the northwestern province of Latakia was attacked by the IDF and follows the Ukrainian playbook of hitting the archer not the arrow. Ukraine has stepped up its attacks including destroying the russian barracks housing the pilots. Cost of training a pilot is $ millions…cost of russian tank .. zero… re-sale value ? 10 cents.

  12. From testimony, Russia keeps dedicated parade troops in Moscow to parade in Red Square for psychological and propaganda purposes. These troops have little or no military training and serve only as military uniform models and so would be fairly useless in battle..

  13. You forgot to mention that Iran did not retaliate before as USA and Europe promised them, if they do not hit Israel they will secure cease fire in Gaza and Lebanon. They obviously lied like many times before…remember Minsk agreement ?

  14. General Hodges needs to be appointed as National Security Advisor in the next American administration. Of course, I know Trump would simply not listen to Gen Hodges, but Harris might be open to education.

  15. Well, I guess his retirement pay just isn't enough. He had to go on the payroll as a NEOCON cheerleader for Raytheon, Boeing, Haliburton and Lockheed Martin. Just another paid propagandist selling his integrity for money. Sad, really.

  16. I'm not American, but I've been following the interviews with Ben Hodges since long, and I've never seen anyone with this mix of common sense, wide views, strength, determination, strategic mindset, experience and knowledge. I just hope the US would hire him as secretary of defence, or that NATO would give him a very relevant position. This guy is a gem, so I don't understand why the US is not giving him a proper position. And he has a very good understanding of international issues, plus he has very good relations with Europe, which would make the NATO alliance very strong, at least the USA and Europe alliance, and with no quarrels and tensions… something that is URGENTLY needed in these days we are living.

  17. Every year Putin parading his military might in Moscow that eventually end up stain in Ukrainian land. That proves his weaponry are just good only for parades.

  18. lol…everyone is still engaged in delusional thinking, led by the most delusional, Ben Hodges. Here are the facts: Russia is decimating the Ukrainian armed forces (NATO proxy force). By decimating, I mean ten to one casualty rate. As for Iran's "humiliation", 70-90% of the missiles hit their targets and were not shot down: this can be verified by video. Iran notified the US of the attack again as it was a warning. They aren't interested in civilian casualties like the US and IDF, so they struck the military base (31 missile strikes) and other military or symbolic targets. The counter-strike hasn't happened yet because they know how devastating another attack on Israel could be. But, people like Hodges will gladly go down in flames and bring thousands if not millions of civilians with them rather than admit defeat. The US and NATO are only digging a deeper hole. You have been defeated already. In combined arms warfare, a US led NATO force would be annihilated by the Russians. At sea, the US is formidable, but China is inching closer. China and Russia are allied, so retreat and focus on your crumbling economy and society…I bet most of you are triple vaxxed and believe in climate change: deluded fools…sheep to slaughter.

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