The world’s most innovative countries, 2024

The world’s most innovative countries, 2024

by LeroyoJenkins

  1. Details:


    The index adopts a broad definition of innovation. It includes “outputs”, such as patents, scientific publications and high-tech exports, as well as “inputs”, such as spending on research and development (R&D), the number of engineering graduates, and venture-capital deals. The index takes into account a country’s adoption and use of technology, as well as its production of it. Countries that import a lot of high-tech products and spend liberally on intellectual property from abroad score better on the index. Some of the indicators are unconventional, including the number of feature films a country makes and the amount of changes it makes to collaborative software projects on GitHub, a popular platform for sharing data and code.

  2. How is US not 1. It’s essentially setting the standard for 4th Industrial Revolution or Information Age.

  3. Why can’t EU put all members’ effort together to achieve something instead of everyone struggles on their own?

  4. China is hiring western people to do innovation, they are good at many things but thinking new is not one of them

  5. Cern being being in Switzerland probably skews the data a lot, didn’t 5000s plus scientists authored the same paper?

  6. Was listening some podcasts on startups lately. Many founders were sharing their success stories. So in the EU, seemingly, the biggest 3 wins for a startup can be: entering the US market / getting VC funding there / being acquired by the US tech giant.

    How come EU is so inefficient at nurturing future technology to be used by the masses? (Rhetorical question)

    When it will change?

  7. France unable to make list because that would require us to go long enough without anyone being on strike.

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