Pictures of russian S-70 drone, allegedly lost control and was shot down by friendly fire today.

Pictures of russian S-70 drone, allegedly lost control and was shot down by friendly fire today.

by DCOffsetUA

  1. Probably the drone was out of controle. They thought better to shoot it down, rather than getting captured fully intact

  2. Is this seriously what ONE Ukrainian jet operating in Belgorod has incited??? At least 2 friendly fire incidents in like 2 hours

  3. My guess is that there’s going to be a nice juicy story about this when (if) the facts come out.

  4. I knew that the allegedly s25 falling had a very strange shape, either half of the plane got vaporised or it wasnt a s25.

    Now that’s something interesting to see they are using such drones now.

  5. It might not even be a ‘friendly fire’ of incompetence. They might want to burn and destroy it so that Ukrainians won’t be able to salvage it and give it to the Americans.

    Or it might be just a whole complete failure.

  6. So now we know where that F-117 that got shot down in Bosnia went. 40 year old tech is Russia’s best.

  7. Idk if they can’t make a stealth plane, how likely is it that they can field a stealth drone?

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