Hurricane Helene: Warning of ‘total destruction’ as ‘horrifying’ hurricane hits Florida

Hurricane Helene: Warning of ‘total destruction’ as ‘horrifying’ hurricane hits Florida

Helene has made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane in Florida with winds of up to 140mph.

Officials are pleading with residents in its path to hunker down with warnings of life-threatening conditions. Sky’s Martha Kelner reports from Florida.

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#Hurricane #Florida #UnitedStates

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  1. Im in SW Florida this hurricane brought so much water to areas that are not flood zoned. Houses filled with water and the people without flood insurance it’s devastating. These hurricanes engulf the entire state tear it apart including myself it’s emotionally exhausting.

  2. I’m not even near Tallahassee. I’m on the EAST coast of Florida and pretty far south, in Palm Bay. We had such crazy winds that my home lost power for 9-10 hours. In the last 10 years in this house, I think I’ve lost power maybe twice (I actually only remember one time). This storm was insane.

  3. It hit wildlife areas!! People say, is not a populated area but It is full with life and no one cares about them. As always, people only care of “things” they own.

  4. another pussystorm that climate alarmists wanted to be cat 8. cause they been off past two "hottest" years.
    these blowhards would be more useful if they went to the Sahara and BLEW some dust throughout hurricane season

  5. the only thing with power still in South Carolina
    is the BMW city-sized manufacturing complex of USA…
    … PLEASE
    don't move to South Carolina unless…
    trained in electrical lines repair:
    no need to move to a state that
    can't restore electrical power after a
    tropical storm?
    inland was not even a coastal hurricane ?

    …yet… it downed so many old South Carolina trees
    inland onto electrical power lines…

  6. It’s remarkable that whenever it’s windy storms or rain
    And there’s damage in USA
    If u look at the damage and debris
    It’s mostly wood
    Cheap houses
    Instead of making them off bricks
    Street after street is flattened
    But look !!!!!!!
    It’s ALL WOOD
    Still sad though

  7. the damage is BEYOND VERY EXTENSIVE
    with massive area of 10 states:
    an entire fourth
    of the country of the USA
    without electrical power and
    washed out roads with sinkholes…
    in south eastern USA…
    Alabama Florida Georgia North Carolina
    South Carolina Tennessee Kentucky Indiana
    Ohio and Virginia :
    all TEN states
    from only 1 tropical storm
    with electrical power outages widespread
    across massive area due to blown down
    plus lots of washed out
    just is being HUGELY
    IGNORED by cowardly
    mainstream media reporters here in USA
    is all
    …guess to protect this presidential administration's
    utter incompetence
    in disaster preparedness response
    …7 days no electrical power…

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