England urged to bring in minimum unit price on alcohol as deaths rise 10% a year. Health leaders tell government to follow Scotland and Wales on cost of cheap booze after Darzi report on death toll.

England urged to bring in minimum unit price on alcohol as deaths rise 10% a year. Health leaders tell government to follow Scotland and Wales on cost of cheap booze after Darzi report on death toll.

by bottish

  1. Better bloody wait a fortnight. I’m away to wales to stock up when the kids break off

  2. Just gesture politics to be seen as doing something while increasing profits for corporate clowns and government sad really 🤬

  3. Increased prices with very little impact on consumption, will be the alcohol producers pushing this initiative

  4. Surely it would be better to raise tax on it than just force it to be sold for more? 

    I get the Scottish Government didn’t have the power to do that, but UK gov do. Could raise tax and use it for more rehab services.

    But I do wonder if the most problematic drinkers just go without food and utilities to keep drinking with this.

  5. People are drinking at home alone instead of socially in the pub because of the vast cost difference these days.

    They drink more at home. Maybe stronger stuff than in the pub.

    It’s not a surprise that the death of the pub has led to a worse situation.

  6. Another attack on the working class that demonstrably fails to achieve the stated goals

  7. I’m getting so pissed off that every fucking solution they have to the worlds problems involves charging the general public more money for something.

  8. Deaths in Scotland rose at 8% annually for the same period, with MUP in place.

    How about invest in some health services and actually work for a solution, instead of the knee-jerk response of making people pay more, and celebrating a *2% slower increase in deaths*…

  9. On the plus side cans of beer in Scotland are the same price in Tesco as they are in a corner shop now in effect making booze more accessible…

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