Picking mushrooms in Poland

Picking mushrooms in Poland


by wasiuu

  1. It’s quite a tradition for us to pick mushrooms in autumn. We cook soups, sauces, make pierogi, preserve mushrooms in jars, dry them and who knows what else. Is it also a thing in other countries? Do you do that? If so, what do you do with them later?

  2. Wow, what a find! But don’t you guys have any weight restrictions on collecting mushrooms in Poland?

  3. We call them “Ayıca Mantarı” in Turkish. We can translate it “Bear Mushrooms”. I don’t know how to say it in English by locals. Or even I am not sure that is it exist in English.
    BTW it is very delicious when you cook it barbecue.

  4. In poland the saying is obviously: „take what you get, dont mind nature and other people.“

  5. The envy. I have to crawl into God’s forgotten woods or going uuup in mega dangerous trails just to find a couple tiny porcini, oftentimes semi rotten. Why. I always had been envious of you guys in Poland for this… But on the other hand I would love to visit some good mushrooms areas there and do some picking. Having 3 full baskets is something I have seen just once in my life, like in 1999 or so

  6. How fascinating, I think mushroom picking is increasingly rare in England, considering our carefully cultivated countryside, though blackberries have not escaped foragers though, and it is not unusual to see fellows wandering along roads plucking the berries from hedgerows… yet mushrooms if I saw a person gathering mushrooms I should think them most certainly a witch!

    How did you learn which species are edible, as from my understanding, mushroom picking is not a hobby to learn from books unless you are… especially bold.

  7. Damn, that’s an awesome catch. Hope you’ll dry some of them, they make a great addition to goulash or other stews.

  8. Older people in Italy go mushroom picking.

    It is a very popular activity, but one that also poses many risks. a fortnight ago, three prospectors died in three different beats, basically always due to carelessness and in order to show off photos of full boots, which in Italy is an offence, because each person can only pick a certain amount, it is a good that is available to everyone and not to be plundered greedily.

  9. Some people do it in Cyprus as well, but we don’t get much rain or cold here so mushrooms are not abundant

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