600 people shot dead within hours by Al Qaeda in Burkina Faso: Report

600 people shot dead within hours by Al Qaeda in Burkina Faso: Report


Posted by polymute

  1. Where’s the outrage?

    Where’s the call to disband and disarm Al Qaeda?

    Oh wait, Jews aren’t involved in this? Israel neither?

    Well shit, no Jews no news I guess.

    Edit: oh wait, it’s happening in Africa so no need to care. Much like the actual genocide going on in Sudan.

  2. This happened four months ago, but due to the Junta’s expulsion of foreign diplomats and observers- the full scale of the atrocity has only now been revealed. 

    At the time, the Al-Qaeda affiliate claimed it had killed 300 fighters. That would have been a major victory, and it was unrealistic without evidence. The expectation was that they’d achieved a small victory in a skirmish, killing government troops and vastly exaggerating their victory.

    Instead, it turns out they killed some members of the armed forces along with a massive number of civilians working on an earthen trench to protect their village and declared that they were ‘fighters’. 

    In addition to the 600+ dead, approximately 300+ were wounded.

  3. With local juntas kicking out the French and Americans , Al-Qaida and IS affiliates attacking almost at will killing hundreds in each attack and the Jihadis actively besieging Timbuktu , A region of 100s of Millions of people is staring at an abyss with no end in sight

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