OTD in 1973, Sgt. Milunka Savić, CMG, died. She is the most decorated female soldier to date.

OTD in 1973, Sgt. Milunka Savić, CMG, died. She is the most decorated female soldier to date.


by Books_Of_Jeremiah

  1. > She was awarded the French Légion d’Honneur (Legion of Honour) twice,[4] as well as the Russian Cross of St. George,[3] the British medal of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael, and the Serbian Miloš Obilić medal.[6] She was the sole female recipient of the French Croix de Guerre 1914–1918 with the gold palm attribute for service in World War I.

    She sounds like a complete badass.

  2. Great role model for every Serb, especially the women. Her story is amazing. She enlisted in place of her brother, masked as a man. After a battle in the 2nd Balkan war, she was wounded and only then did the officers find out she was not a man. She was then offered a role as a medic, but she refused to abandon her squad. Later she joined the Iron squadron, the most elite squadron in the Serbian army at the time. She was a great soldier, but she was a pacifist. Never killed a single person. She was awarded medals for taking prisoners. On 2 separate occasions she jumped in the enemy trench with live grenades and took over 20 prisoners. After the war she refused the offer of the French state, to be awarded a flat in Paris and a national pension. Instead she remained in Serbia, later Yugoslavia and worked as a cleaning lady so she can support many daughters she adopted. She was forgotten by the Yugoslavian society after the WWII as the commies did not like talking about war heroes from the loyalist side.

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