I live in Nevada and I approve this tweet

Posted by CascadiaRocks

  1. sure, build homes on land with little to no infrastructure.

    Need to shit, grab you shovel and go to your backyard.

  2. Or in the Rockies over 8000 ft. Land is cheap up there because the are no roads, electric, or water.

  3. The desert is where the “not in my backyard” republicans want everyone to go.

  4. There’s a lot of holes in the desert. And a lot of problems buried in those holes.


  5. There was an image going around social media that painted the federal lands red on a map with a caption to build homes there.

    Apparently the forwarders failed basic US geography and didn’t account for Death Valley, the Badlands, the Sierra Nevadas, etc…

  6. You thought they were going to build the camps THERE? No, that’s what the Indian reservations are for!

    It will suck if he gets in.

  7. Wait, there isn’t a bunch of federal and in rapidly growing suburbs? That’s crazy.

  8. “Homes”, meaning death camps maybe.

    Oh, did I say “death camps”?

    I meant *Happy Camps*!

  9. I live in Vegas. We are stretched with water resources. The federal lands where Trump wants to build his little houses in the desert are inhabitable unless you’re a scorpion. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. Unfit to be president.

  10. There are tens of thousands of empty homes available today, because no one wants to live there. Whether it is in a bad part of a city or the thousands of small towns that have half the population they did 20 years ago. Those homes are still there, no one wants to live there. Whether it be in those areas or on federal land, there is no infrastructure, no work, no schools, no stores, etc. etc.

    On the flip side this is why housing prices have increased. There isn’t enough housing where people want to live. Until 20 years ago a builder could buy a farm and put up a bunch of houses. There is no more buildable land within an hour of most cities where people want to live.

  11. Just build a bunch of homes on land that was used to test atomic bombs. What could possibly go wrong? And, of course, land designated Superfund Cleanup Sites would be ideal for homes with children.

  12. Yeah, the desert is the only federally owned land they want to build on.
    They want it all.
    Being dismissive is tantamount to culpability.

  13. Vance knows full well no one would live there. Not voluntarily, anyway.

    If you “deport” someone to a work camp in the central Nevada desert and a MAGA thinks they’re back in Mexico does it really make a difference?

  14. history repeating itself. the federal government once moved natives to unarable land, bereft of prey animals, tied their freedom to fealty to the government and either straight out murdered, or starved those who defied.

    you can imagine a guy like Vance is envisioning building “housing” in the desert and sending “undesirables” to live there with no federal support, surrounded by “supervisors”.

  15. I always enjoy the super simple solutions to incredibly complex issues due to two main reasons.

    For example how to fix traffic congestion.
    Simple answer build more roads.

    The reasons why I like these is because

    1 If it was that simple why do you think noone else has considered it.

    2 Where do you build them, what actions are required to clear that area for a road, is there any below ground pipes/tunnels/etc to be considered, etc.

  16. The dimwits known as “every GOP voter since 1963” don’t have the brains to realize this.

  17. THATS WHAT I SAID! Are they going to build entire twones in the dessert? Schools,banks,grocery stores? Also,Trump said he would get rid of regulations. Yeah, so his buddies can build homes that fall apart in 5 years and catch fire or blow away during hurricane season. I heard this and thought “he’s talking to his real estate buddies “. That’s their wet dream.

  18. I also live in Nevada, and I can confirm that all that federal land is just dirt, rocks, and sagebrush.

  19. I mean. This is what MAGA loves. Tiny towns, one bar, one school to choose their wives from. One stop light. Room for horses, cows and chickens. One evangelical church. No DMV, everybody knows and gives their daughter to the town sheriff. Nowhere for their wives to run. MAGA heaven.

  20. yes. we definitely do not have enough empty homes that just sit and do nothing for society. we need more of those, for sure. /s

  21. They just want to steal as much Federal land as possible. Obviously. Then they can try to sell whatever bullshit they can dupe their idiots into buying.

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