Slovak health minister quits over government ‘support’ for anti-vaxxer’s Covid report

Slovak health minister quits over government ‘support’ for anti-vaxxer’s Covid report

by Wagamaga

  1. Slovakia’s Health Minister Zuzana Dolinková announced Friday she is stepping down over government backing for a prominent anti-vaxxer and insufficient prioritization of health care.

    “I am sorry that at the level of the government coalition there is support for the ideas of the government proxy, which, in my opinion, find no scientific support,” Dolinková said at a press conference, adding she will officially submit her resignation in the coming days.

    Peter Kotlár, the government envoy tasked with investigating Slovakia’s pandemic management and one of the country’s most prominent anti-vaxxers, presented his report — which is largely based on fringe theories — on Thursday. The report argues that the pandemic was “an act of bioterrorism” and a “fabricated operation

  2. Kotlar also co-hosts a youtube channel with minister of culture Simkovicova. You can imagine what kind of topics they are discussing.

    You can’t make this shit up.

  3. Everyone is blaming the gov but the majority of people voted for and believe in this shit 😂

  4. how does it come that so many people in the west believe in these nonsense conspiracy theories. are people too bored?

  5. And the advisor for Covid-19 pandemic is member of Creative Society cult (FSB backed cult together with AllatRa). Appointed by the SNS party that has close connections to Russia. She is straight up crazy (probably intentional/sociopath): [](

    Members of SNS party also did interviews for Voice of Europe (Russian propaganda network) and allegedly accepted crypto money. Another member of SNS is host of propaganda TV network called Slovan. There they are saying stuff like Putin will save the Slavic world and that We should become one Slavic state and basically similar propaganda to AllatRa). They are now even using AI. For example here you have a sponsored article on major Slovak website of this cult: [](


    It’s completely AI generated video. That is just crazy that such stuff got into major news website: [](

    Here you have an account that has over 81 000 comments: [](

    Their agenda: – COVID disinfo, promoting current goverment, promoting BRICS world order or shit like that, promoting everything Chinese or Russian, weirdly defending China, climate disinfo, talking shit on opposition. There are over 30 accounts with the same typing style posting daily non-stop on that site. There are such accounts on every major news website in Slovakia. And the sad thing is most people don’t see it and just get in argument with these accounts. Yeah right, someone with agenda posting daily with as many reactions as possible is totally real account. But what I find wierd how much of these accounts defend China. For example Gotion is building battery factory in Slovakia and there is lots of opposition. Of course these accounts are defending it and saying how the west will fall and how the BRICS will rule the world but when western company wants to build similar stuff, well then their agenda changes and suddenly they are *extremely* pro-*e*nviroment.

    Leader of KDH party (opposition) expressed concern over Chinese police being invited to the plant. Is this how they do it? Are we becoming like Hungary? Is this China’s strategy?

  6. Blessing, now can the minister of culture resign too? or even better, the government collapsing in on itself?

  7. In all fairness, the Covid report is just a smoke screen, so that the health minister could quit with a tiny shred of dignity. Healthcare in Slovakia is always a step away from collapse (only two health ministers actually served their entire four years since 1993), and she managed to make it even worse. A major hospital is collapsing, with two essential departments already shut down or in limited operations (among other things, the last remaining resident doctor at the cardiology clinic was an urologist), medical professionals started signing resignation papers from overtime work, which is required to keep the healthcare system afloat, and Slovakia is experiencing a massive exodus of college students and young professionals, which disproportionally affects medical fields. While much of this is systemic and existed well before the health minister took office, she was seen as extraordinarily inept, commanding almost no respect from the medical field. She was expected to be the first minister to quit, and at least she was smart enough to do so at a time when media attention was directed towards that anti-waxxer idiot.

  8. I see that vaccine hesitancy especialy for covid is deep problem here in Croatia even among health workers. It is naive to dismiss it simply as russian propaganda aimed at uneducated.

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