RU soldier stuck in the window gets FPVd by the pilots of 100th Sep. Mech. Brigade. Posted on the 5th of October.

RU soldier stuck in the window gets FPVd by the pilots of 100th Sep. Mech. Brigade. Posted on the 5th of October.

by xpt42654

  1. With the extra explosive propulsion and the angle at which horizontal Ivan is hanging, the calculated ratio of horizontal window Ivan to the back of the room is approximately 2 Ivans per feet of space.

  2. Haha. I imagine his boys inside all laughing at stuck Ivan, joking around…….. then all the sudden you hear that high pitched sound from the FPVs rotors………

  3. He’s going to have trouble shitting…..Russians seem to have problems with windows

  4. Do both sides really mark themselves now? From what I see Ukrainians usually have blue patches while in this one Russians wear red

  5. This is like those in movies that people get stuck and get help from their friends holding their two hands tugging to go inside and finally get free of stuck, but only got half of the body now as the monster eaten the other half.

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