The ruins of the completely destroyed and abandoned Ukrainian city of Vovchans’k – Kharkiv Oblast. It was destroyed by Russian artillery and missile strikes — it’s pre-war population was around 17,500 residents.

by _Tegan_Quin

  1. Russia destroys everything it touches. Kinda like the reverse Midas’ touch. Fuck these filthy orcs!!!

  2. And yet Ukrainians hold, if people willing to defend their country this hard do not deserve their sovereignty, than who does

  3. Tragic.

    It won’t make it any easier for the people who lived here, but karma is coming for Russia. There’s no escaping it at this point without fleeing Russia altogether. They’ll hit bottom in 2-3 years, then the next 30 they’ll be crying but still convinced it’s they who are the victims.

  4. Wondering where the protests across the West are. Is it because there are no Jews to vilify?

  5. Don’t get me wrong, the loss of human life sucks, but i can’t help but hurt for the innocent animals and pets that were left behind…

  6. Europeans – look very hard at these images.

    This is *your* future, *your* homes, if these merciless Russian bastards aren’t stopped in Ukraine.

    You cannot negotiate with savages like this.

  7. I assume they aren’t going for the “hearts and minds” approach then?

    When I was a kid, we did a holiday to Ukraine (East German, so holiday locations were limited), and it was such a nice country to me.

    Fucking Russian bastards, man…

  8. Where’s the global south complaining about civilian impact, war crimes, and imperialism?

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