‘People are leaving’: ‘Stunning’ video appears to show Trump fans departing while he talks

‘People are leaving’: ‘Stunning’ video appears to show Trump fans departing while he talks


Posted by Son0fSanf0rd

  1. I have to wonder how common this is. He’s certainly a bore to listen to when he repeats the same things over and over. He’s a “greatest hits” candidate but the problem with that is that he lost in 2020. The “greatest hits” were something people did not want to return to šŸ¤£ thats not gonna be any different 8 years later, let alone 4. Prepare for loss, ya orange lardtard

  2. He should speak at the DMV, so people don’t really have the option to leave while they wait.

    Double Hell.

  3. I wouldnā€™t call these rallies anymore. No one is cheering or shouting out to praise his words.

    Instead itā€™s sort of like sitting through a TED talk. Except it doesnā€™t make any sense.

  4. Ya cause he rants and has tissy fits and doesn’t know what the hell he is saying

  5. As soon as the money hits the accounts of the people he paid to be there, they leave. No secret there.

  6. Truthfully, how can ANYONE listen to this rambling moron for any length of time… Of course, he does venture into some pathetically amusing tangents at times (shower heads, electrocuting sharks, Hannibal Lector, cancer-causing windmills,…) LOL

  7. The one and only political rally I went to, the candidate was an hour late. Is this common? Is it on purpose? It totally turned me off.

  8. He shows up to these events 1 hour late and doesnā€™t say anything that hasnā€™t been said before

  9. A lot of his audience is only attending because he pays them. They only have to stay a short time to get paid.

  10. Heā€™s so boring – why even go there – and kookoo people with guns shooting at himā€¦the whole scene is beyond stupid or absurd.

  11. Check your registration, vote, and bring people with you. Donate if you can. Let’s stomp this asshole and be done with him.

  12. It may sound strange but the Grim Reaper’s waiting in the wings to claim his due and foreclose on the evil clown’s tired tirade and bring the inevitable end to the travesty ,one way or another ! ( and it won’t be pretty or pleasant!)

  13. I’ve read that MAGA activists advertises that they will pay people to attend. They are required to stay for 2 hrs. When time is up, they are free to leave

  14. Saw this comment on another post, I think it applies.

    Trump is Gone! That guy everybody voted for in 2016? He doesnā€™t exist anymore. Watch the Clinton debate and then watch the Harris debate and tell me thatā€™s the same guy. If you think so, youā€™re only fooling yourself, not anybody else

  15. I hope theyā€™re all undecided voters who dropped in to see what all the hype was about.

  16. Funniest argument Iā€™ve seen for this:

    ā€œLiberals are buying tickets and staging walkouts to attempt to smear himā€


  17. Going to a Trump rally for these MAGAs must be like the political version of being a Dead Head and going to a Dead concert to be with all the other Dead Heads and then during the concert you realize that the band is rambling and boring, so you just leave.

  18. I love that he is now throwing the Congo in there as a country that is ā€œsending inmates to America.ā€

    Money says he just hears names of countries and inserts them into his manic ramblings. Last week, Haiti – this week, Congoā€¦ any takers for what next week will be?

  19. 2000 baby boomers die every day in the US. Plus 76% of COVID deaths were over 65.

    He’s lost/losing a lot of voters since 2016 also.

  20. >He also appeared to get distracted by an ā€œaggressiveā€ fly.

    What is it with Trump and flies? Iā€™m not one to believe in demons or the supernatural but the way flies are attracted to this guy and those connected with him has me beginning to wonder if heā€™s beelzebub or something.

  21. Yea and I understand stand why after looking at the aftermath of the trash disaster shit show. These people are nasty and think they are high and mighty. Pictures posted after the Talley when everybody left looks like a tornado came through and turned all the trash cans upside down. The Maga Communist Party should move to Russia if they do this type behavior. Shows how they live at home and for those high and mighty are just plain sick.

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