US national security adviser Sullivan wraps first China visit in eight years | DW News

US national security adviser Sullivan wraps first China visit in eight years | DW News

US President Joe Biden’s national security advisor Jake Sullivan is wrapping up three days of high-level talks in China, including today’s rare meeting with one of China’s top generals. Jake Sullivan’s talks with General Zhang Youxia were cordial, but included a warning that the United States should stop “collusion” with Taiwan. Sullivan stressed the importance of “stability” in the Taiwan strait, even as China is embroiled in separate security disputes with US allies Japan and the Philippines. Sullivan was the first US national security advisor to visit China in eight years.


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  1. I have been living in China for 34 years and am still living in Guangzhou, China is much more developed than it was even 10 years ago. The urban streets are spotless these days, 10 years ago they were not as clean as it is now. This is the biggest change visible to the eyes, the public cleanliness. Also on the technological side, the changes are also equally visible, 10 years ago, the urban street landscape didn't look as high-tech as they are now. The next visible change is car ownership. Even in the countryside, all the roads have solar-powered lamps nowadays and car ownership in the countryside is astonishingly high, in the front of every home parks a car (few households have home garages though, they just park cars in front of their houses). In the cities, the car ownership is actually lower as parking spaces are tighter. Ths is also one of the biggest changes in comparison to 10 years ago, the high prevalence of car ownership in the countryside. Another change is the metro system in the cities, for example, Guangzhou Metro now has an operating mileage of over 1,000km, can you believe it? 1,000 km-long subway lines in a single city! The new lines are also incredibly fast, like the Line 18 and the Line 22, which are operating at 160km/hour, almost approaching high speed rail standard.

    As an individual witness of the Chinese Development Miracle while growing up since the 90s, I think China's transformation was the fastest in the 1990s to 2010s but the last 10 years still brought drastic changes to us, which are still very fast development. In fact, there are visible changes for the better even between now and pre-pandemic 2019, which are quite recent.

  2. USA military, get out of our country the Philippines. You stir up trouble here. Warmongering and provoking China, the war should be in American citizen populated USA soil, not in the Philippines and it's innocent citizens.

  3. Why is a military dictator visiting another country????? Remember it's the Asian Pacific not the Caucasian Pacific. Every time they say they want to cooperate they turn right around and do something racist to China, you can't trust a trade partner like that illegal sanctions , illegal monopolies corporate Raiders , want to hijack China sovereignty, you can't trust America and its International allies because they support genocide against people of color.

  4. India ought to have a permanent UNSC seat by now if they are really such a superpower country. What they have said/bragged/proclaimed on the internet simply does not mirror their power and influence on the global stage. 🤣

  5. |ndia is crying because she was denied an UNSC permanent membership over and over again despite begging for it since 1994. |ndia's Bollywood scripts may have changed over time, but intellectuals can see through the ploy of |ndia. |ndia's motive for an UNSC reform was never about peace or equity. It was all about satisfying the |ndian ego/jealousy and their inferiority comp|ex: If |ndia can't have a permanent UNSC permanent seat, all other countries shall not have it either. Thus, the |ndians are pushing this agenda, the "need" for an UNSC reform, on all social medias.

  6. Every country and the five UNSC permanent members should nominate India as the sixth UNSC permanent member and only then will India ever recover from it's inferior complex and truly be considered a real superpower (not just a superpower on the internet) and the Vishvaguru (global teacher of the world).🤭

  7. The underlining message President Xi, spell out to Jake Sullivan is that you guys always consistent, lying from one Administration to another Administration, always say one thing but doing another provocation.

  8. DW failed to mention (intensionally?) a Japanese frigate has entered Chinese waters a month ago for 20 minutes with an excuse of technical errors when covering a Chinese military aircraft enters Japanese territory for 2 minutes which to me is just a response

  9. Xi had saved thousands and thousands of Taiwanese lives already. Sullivan's strategic confrontation policies is for whatever cost. This man is mind sicked.

  10. China doesn't even realize that they have no allies they can trust. Not Russia, not North Korea, not Vietnam. And everyone else is sick of their bullying. Good job surrounding yourself with enemies.

  11. But why compete and not mutual cooperation? Tech and infrastructure benefit the people and shouldn’t be a subject of ego fight between politicians.

  12. The Yankees actually want war with China to keep dominating the world in the 21st-century. However, as long as China remain coolheaded and avoided any conflicts provoked by the United States with wisdom this century will belong to China no matter how radical and provocative the neighboring countries leaders are pushing. Taiwan issue is a Chinese unfinished Civil War in essence so if the United States is so reckless to intervene, it lose at China doorstep , this will accelerate the the decline of the United States empire.

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