A group of Russians unsuccessfully raid a trench. 2 of them simultaneously fail to commit suicide and a lone survivor finishes them off. From the K-2 54th brigade

A group of Russians unsuccessfully raid a trench. 2 of them simultaneously fail to commit suicide and a lone survivor finishes them off. From the K-2 54th brigade

by Naive_Contract_5894

  1. Lol did buddy who got dropped when he ran up to the trench forget there was a war going on??

  2. You cannot tell me they were sober. No way. The last idiot tried walking back exactly the same way that killed his comrades ffs.

  3. They seem like really nice people, it’s lucky they have such great caring friends, imagine what could have happened if he didn’t help out, oh hang on wait.

  4. Run the gauntlet across 500 meters of enemy fire, only to get killed taking a breather 5 meters away from the relative safety of the enemy’s trench. At least he had cool snow camo pants.

  5. I can’t believe I, like so many others, used to think the Russian military was at least somewhat competent and disciplined. I don’t think I’ve ever been so ignorant of a situation in my life. The guy that got head shot just stands up as tall as he can on the lip of the trench *when there is actively people shooting at him*. This is after the unit’s leisurely walk across open terrain.

    We are seeing, in real time, the exact meat grinder tactics they used in WW2. They’ve literally not progressed from that.

  6. Their helmets are so obvious from a distance. They also chose the only color complementary of grass, and almost covered their whole helmet with it.

  7. Go out, assault over open ground during daylight, lose all 5 others to drones/small arms, finish off your buddies with the classic gut shot, then stumble back to the lines/no-man’s land to be chucked in another squad to do it all again tomorrow.

  8. Its wild how casually they give up their lives. “Well, we half heartedly tried a shitty assault with zero structure and failed the second we stepped into the trench, guess its time to kill ourselves 🤷🏼‍♂️”

    As if they get to respawn and try again.

  9. Take a slow walk across an open field of death in broad daylight. What could possibly go wrong ….

  10. What absolute misery. A squad trying in futility to attack and just get wiped out. This is the Russian meat grinder.

    This is happens tons of times a day.

  11. That 5th guy in grey cammo his uniform and boots brand new. He didn’t even make it to the trench. Probly his 2nd day in the front line. O well…

  12. Those poor bastards. War sucks i still hate watching people die regardless of which side

  13. The guy failing to blow himself up and just sitting there with his head on fire is a sight to see.

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