Extend assisted dying to those without terminal illness, say Labour MPs

Extend assisted dying to those without terminal illness, say Labour MPs


by boycecodd

  1. This really opens the door to the disabled feeling pressured to end their lives.

  2. I mean, it’s the Torygraph, but I don’t really see why anyone who’s “incurably suffering” shouldn’t have the free choice to end their own life.

    They already do after all, anyone able bodied can jump off a bridge or in front of a train but that causes trauma to many other people in the clean up, so why not have a reasonable path forward for people who are “incurably suffering”.

    Nobody else should have a say in what I do with my life, including ending it, so long as I don’t hurt anyone else.

  3. On the one hand, I agree incurable suffering should be included. On the other, I wouldn’t want the bill as it stands to be defeated because it’s scope had become too broad. Maybe that bit should come in a later bill.

  4. That was quick, given what a point the proposer made of keeping it very narrowly focussed.

    How long until ‘withdraw care from the elderly or disabled because killing them off is cheaper for Are NHS’ becomes a policy proposal?

  5. Old or disabled, burden on your family? Just fucking end it. Book a free consultation today.

  6. Slippery slope starting before it is even legalised.

    Assisted suicide throws away a very important principle about the preservation of life, so this is inevitable.

  7. This is already a thing in other countries. For example, have a read of this article about a woman in the Netherlands, who was granted the right to die because of her mental health: https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/may/16/dutch-woman-euthanasia-approval-grounds-of-mental-suffering

    Though fair warning, it’s a pretty harrowing read.

    In general with these things, I’m in favour of letting people decide for themselves. There absolutely needs to be a conversation about how we guarantee that nobody has been pressured into it though, with the obvious example of that being family members that pressure granny to have assisted dying rather than expensive hospice care that eats up all of the inheritance.

    But reading that article was *genuinely* uncomfortable (which is the point, I suppose), and it’s hard not to wonder if there was another solution for people that aren’t terminal.

  8. 2029. Labour election campaign.

    “We managed to solve the care crisis, the pension black hole and save the NHS in only 5 years!”

    “We have less people on disability benefit, less pensioners claiming, NHS waiting lists are down.”

  9. If you don’t have an illness that is preventing you from killing yourself I fail to see the utility in a law that makes it easier to kill yourself.

    The point of these laws can’t be “some people want to die and we should make it as easy as possible,” it has to be “some people have determined they wish to kill themselves but are prevented from doing so on their own by illness or injury; this law makes it not a crime to assist them the minimum necessary amount”

    Like I hate to say it but suicide is not difficult. It’s just probably painful and horrible and bad, and that’s kind of where it needs to be.

  10. Couldn’t incurable suffering be things like locked in syndrome?

    Or being nearly completely paralysed?

    Shouldn’t those people not be allowed to end their life if they wish and meet the competence requirements

  11. Agreed. If you’re of sound mind and not forced, then it should be your right. If you can’t decide how you check out, we aren’t really free.

  12. Hey look, it’s that slippery slope everyone said doesn’t exist. I implore people to look at Canada’s MAID programme or the recent case of a child who received ‘involuntary’ euthanasia on the continent

  13. “Your use in the system has been deemed statistically insignificant. Shareholder representatives have approved your request to move towards expulsion”

    Kind Regards

    Mordred Tenebris, MBA, BA, LLB,

    – Director of Human Talent, World Corp.

  14. I know things are bad but we don’t want to give Tottenham fans too easy of an out.

  15. Can we bring in a mandatory limit, maybe like 36?

    You are just a burden to society over 36

    (I’m 43)

  16. I’m always surprised at these comment threads being so supportive of assisted suicide.

    The same commenters usually show up on threads about the death penalty or prisons in general, claiming they would rather let 10 guilty people go free than imprison a single innocent person.

    But when you raise concerns about the risk of people being pressured into assisted suicide that’s no longer a problem.

    Apparently we can have procedures in place to make sure that nobody is killed unnecessarily, but only in one of those situations.

  17. One step closer…

    Bring out your dead!

    CUSTOMER: Here’s one.

    CART MASTER: Nine pence.

    DEAD PERSON: I’m not dead!

    CART MASTER: What?

    CUSTOMER: Nothing. Here’s your nine pence.

    DEAD PERSON: I’m not dead!

    CART MASTER: ‘Ere. He says he’s not dead!

    CUSTOMER: Yes, he is.

    DEAD PERSON: I’m not!

    CART MASTER: He isn’t?

    CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon. He’s very ill.

    DEAD PERSON: I’m getting better!

    CUSTOMER: No, you’re not. You’ll be stone dead in a moment.

    CART MASTER: Oh, I can’t take him like that. It’s against regulations.

    DEAD PERSON: I don’t want to go on the cart!

    CUSTOMER: Oh, don’t be such a baby.

    CART MASTER: I can’t take him.

    DEAD PERSON: I feel fine!

    CUSTOMER: Well, do us a favor.

    CART MASTER: I can’t.

    CUSTOMER: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won’t be long.

    CART MASTER: No, I’ve got to go to the Robinsons’. They’ve lost nine today.

    CUSTOMER: Well, when’s your next round?

    CART MASTER: Thursday.

    DEAD PERSON: I think I’ll go for a walk.

    CUSTOMER: You’re not fooling anyone, you know. Look. Isn’t there something you can do?

    DEAD PERSON: [singing] I feel happy. I feel happy.


    CUSTOMER: Ah, thanks very much.

  18. People in a lot of physical or mental pain should be able to use assisted dying if there is no cure.

  19. I mean if I get to the stage when older of being a financial and emotional drain on my children I would like to have the option to end it on my terms. At the minute we keep people alive until we take everything off them then, fuck em. Why not let people choose (though I would imagine the government would then inevitably introduce a death tax!)

  20. Sorry we can no longer pay the state pension, have you considered euthanasia?

  21. Tricky but does anyone who has experienced a family member with late stage dementia think this is a bad idea? It is horrible for everyone involved. The only people who enjoy it own care homes.

    I absolutely do not want to end up in one of those places, if I can end my life in a more dignified way then great.

  22. Isn’t it weird how dodgy it sounds coming from Labour compared to literally anyone that’s not a political party?

  23. Makes me feel so sick. We’ve seen how Canada has dealt with MAID. Physically and mentally well people will die because of this too, not just disabled, terminally ill, mental illness, learning disability etc. NHS will be run even further into the ground to prioritise private healthcare.

    FYI, private healthcare as it existed (in 2017 personally), you don’t get better treatment, yes it might have benefits, but you’ll still be sat in A&E for 19hours. There’s no ‘fast pass.’

    Many couldn’t apply at that time (maybe it’s changed) due to “pre existing conditions” like we’re a damn animal. I wonder if this still applies. Many will end up trapped in a failed NHS system due to lack of or zero access to private healthcare.

    There is no process within all this where the system will be safe and rigorous enough to deal with every patient on a case by case basis. Many of us know how hard it is to get an appointment & more than 10 minutes with a GP who doesn’t really remember you. It will be the same, you’re just paying for it now (hello national insurance?)

    Services for things like social care and mental health (for example) have been cut, long lists or completely cancelled over the past 14yrs. We already know how adults and children have been affected (this was precovid and after). If people already have nowhere to go, they’re going to choose this.

    Its completely knocking me sick the support for this horrific decision and discussion. No matter who you are, we don’t deserve to be killed by the government even more than they have rinsed us already.

  24. We should full on adopt Switzerlands stance. If someone doesn’t want to be here let them make the decision not to be, so we’re not out thinking about where we’ll helium bag ourselves to death instead.

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