MAGA logic.

Posted by Devilpig666

  1. Don’t forget lasers; nothing goes without lasers! But they have to be Jewish! That is some high class science there!

  2. Like for real though. She doesn’t believe centuries of mass pollution can have any impact on climate, but we have weather magic or super tech so far beyond anything that’s ever been heard of.

  3. I can never figure out if she’s the stupidest person in Congress, or, one of the most adept at getting her face on the front page every day by saying or doing something outrageous And thus keeping the conversation on her. She diverts our attention while they casually destroy the country.

  4. The universe is going to keep teaching us this lesson until we finally put our quality of life before profits. I am so sorry that Florida is going through yet another catastrophic event.

    We are now at the point where we must plan to survive storms like these instead of planning ahead and working towards keeping average temperatures down. We are too late for prevention.

    The smartest minds on earth have been telling us for over 120 years that the unchecked release of hydrocarbons/greenhouse gasses being released into the atmosphere at high rates will cause the oceans to warm and change our climate faster than nature can keep up. Resulting in things like the Gulf Coast being absolutely devastated by frequent and stronger storms.

    We cared more about money.

    Now we are here.

  5. Wait… I thought the Democrats were Satan worshippers. Can’t they just use witchy magic spells to steer a hurricane? I bet Samantha Stevens could twitch her nose and make a hurricane go wherever she wanted.

  6. The Serial Adultress from Georgia is playing 4D chess like her Savior …. The Orange Pants Shitting Serial Adulterer.

  7. I think I’ve figured out their flawed logic, which scares me. They hope we’ll say man can’t make a hurricane because we can’t change the weather. they’ll say GOTCHA, see man can’t change the climate or weather.

  8. Cognizant dissonance is the state of holding two inherently contradictory ideas as true at the same time—or, the core requirement of being a Trumpizoidal maniac.


    A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment. Individuals create their own “subjective reality” from their perception of the input. An individual’s construction of reality, not the objective input, may dictate their behavior in the world. Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, and irrationality.

  9. If her hero, Donald Duck would used his magic marker, he could have steered the storm away

  10. Well, maybe they could use the **Jewish space lasers** to blast the hurricanes away!


  11. These republicans soon: “We have to sacrifice somebody to keep the volcanoes from erupting!”

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