Amazon bike stolen

Amazon bike stolen

by Reasonable_Rule7948

  1. Although there is no sound I can hear a yeeeooooooooohhhhh…..ffs this is why we cannot have nice things.

  2. I think this is funny tbh. The chav probably stopped down the street and they had a laugh about it

    EDIT: I just saw the “amazon bike loot” video, yeah, what scumbags…

  3. I saw the girl cycling this at the bottom of Lisburn Road this morning and said to the guys I was with “that’s a cert to get stolen”.

    Kind of hoped it wouldn’t as they’d be smart enough to stay out of all the muck areas but sure the whole city is a cesspit crawling with junkies and wee scrotes. No where is safe clearly.

  4. They need to fit a wee implement that rises from the seat, so when it’s stolen, the driver can hit a button on his key chain and it gives them a wee surprise up the rear.

  5. And people scoff at those who would rather live in places like Hillsborough where, as a general rule, you’re not surrounded by vermin like this.

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