Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg: ‘Reform did not take our votes’ | The Daily T Podcast

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg: ‘Reform did not take our votes’ | The Daily T Podcast

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg told the Daily T: “Reform voters are good, sensible people. I heard from people who came to help me with the election campaign that they’d gone into Central Office to help the telephone campaigning operation.

“And they’d rung people in Clacton and they’d rung Tory members and the Tory members were all voting for Nigel Farage.

“These aren’t wild, silly people, they are good, solid British citizens who wanted to vote for a party that was going to do something they cared about.

“Are we saying as I think David Cameron that they’re all ‘fruitloops and Looney Tunes’, I’ll paraphrase? If we are we’re stupid. Reform did not take our votes. We have no right to those four million votes. We have to win people at every election and Reform is a powerful reality.

“The idea that Nigel Farage, who is one of the most capable and charismatic campaigners, is going to disappear in a puff of smoke from one of his Malboro Lights seems highly improbable.”

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  1. I used to think highly of JRM, but that changed when he started talking about his religious beliefs. In reality, JRM, whilst often speaking sense, is a bit of a career politician. He lacks connection with ordinary people and I have to say, his plummy accent and condescending manner really grate on me!

  2. I’m sure some Reform voters are genuinely disillusioned with the status quo and are taken in by the shallow populism it offers, but many others are professional whingers who do nothing but moan non-stop about how crap the country is and who hark back to times that never existed in the way imagine.

  3. I like many in our country voted Reform …we need change in our political system …all the rest have failed us all for decades…the next election will be 8 million Reform voters … just wait and see folks…

  4. JRM is absolutely correct, but so was David Cameron PM, most Reform UK voters are the very same naive & gullible Underclasses who voted for Brexit hoping for change and I'm sorry for their loss, I hope the penny drops sooner than later.

  5. Another Party added to choose from must have taken some votes from the Conservative Party – it can almost be proved to be such a case where the Reform candidate won from an ousted Conservative candidate. It’s not rocket science or polls would not be so accurate.

  6. JRM … Hit the nail on the head … Just wish remainder of Tory leadership contender s, would wake up to the fact, and their followers.
    Yes, I am one of the many folk, who were conservatives, yet found common sense coming from Reform UK, and voted Reform at recent G election. Sadly, my election region, voted in, the Tories. My question with that was: Were folk voting on National Issues, or Local Issues … Mmm … Big, Big question, in my humble Opinion.

  7. Mogg is a dangerous man. Reform are a dangerous party. If it comes to pass that Reform UK are the biggest party in 2029 Labour and Conservative have only themselves to blame. Reform UK aren’t the answer but Labour and Conservatives cannot keep making poor people poorer without consequences. Neoliberalism has ruined our country

  8. If the next conservative leader continually points out that farage admires Putin and how he "managed to take control of Russia" you'd hope that the British public realise that farage is a danger to British democracy

  9. Translation: “Tory voters are moving farther and farther right, fuelled by extremist rhetoric by people like me, and I can’t wait to reap the electoral benefits.”

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