Too soon?

Posted by utnapishtim_guy

  1. Heads I win, tails you lose. It is truly remarkable that in MAGA world everything wrong with the USA can be linked back to Democrats.

  2. Remember folks:

    “Red states” are often red because of rampant gerrymandering and legalized disenfranchisement of marginalized communities. Donald Trump won Florida with 51% in 2020 and 49% in 2016. Joe Biden flipped Georgia in 2020. Call all your “red state” friends and family who aren’t GOP and tell them to register to vote and then vote.

  3. Scenario 1: God can control the weather

    Secenario 2: Democrats control the weather.

    Conclusion: God is a Democrat.

  4. Florida resident here, not too soon. I and every piece in this post is too late. Hate when that happens.

  5. So very true. I live outside of New Orleans and was just saying to a friend that if it was about to hit us, the good Christians would be be claiming it was due to all the gays and debauchery. But if it hits God’s country in Florida, it’s Dems controlling weather (or Jewish space lasers, take your pick).

  6. plot twist – There’s two gay guys fuckin like rabbits to generate all these hurricanes and then two lesbian wiccans are steering them towards the “patriot-dense” parts of America.

  7. If only they actually accepted aid instead of playing stupid games.

    Oh well, thoughts and prayers!

  8. During Hurricane Sandy, a coworker said that NY was getting hit because of all the gays and sinners.

    I asked what that means as Texans. We get hit 20 times more than they do.

  9. Nope, your timing could not be any better. All of you Republicans out there politicizing this should be ashamed of yourselves. You are not worthy people. You seem to want to hand an anvil to your sinking neighbors. You disgust me.

  10. > “[Ideological Subversion] basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

    – Yuri Bezmenov when explaining the KGB’s Ideological Subversion techniques.

  11. Democrats don’t control the weather. God does, to punish those who use God’s name in vain. And putting trump name before God. Repent!!!!!

  12. Or maybe pissing off a bunch of Haitians repeatedly while probably eating a Big Mac prepared by a Haitian….tee-hee


  13. This is rock solid proof that those people are just completely delusional. They do not accept reality and even go to such lengths as blaming the left when presented with evidence that their idea of reality is nonsense. Example being hurricanes becoming stronger and the link to global warming. Nope global warming cant be real, these hurricanes are being created by the left!

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