Moulting season is upon us, and no matter how much I brush my moulting dog, she still sheds piles and piles of fur all over the house. In fact, even simply stroking her will end up with clumps of loose fur falling off. I got to the point where I was grooming her twice a day and getting nowhere…

…until I had a cunning idea. What if I hoovered her? I can’t exactly say she loves it, but it does get the job done handily!

Am I a weirdo or does anyone else do this?

by hamhamham03

  1. I vacuum the big one because Labrador but if I put it anywhere near the small one he will violently shit himself.

    He’s not a fan.

  2. I had a cat that would allow it, as long aa the noisy bit (cylinder) wasn’t too close. I used the little dust brush attachment.

  3. I have a Henry.

    If the two ferrets are in and I switch it on they bounce around it as if worshipping some ancient god.

    Both my cats couldn’t give a flying f*ck and they stay exactly where they are.

    My two dogs. One can be at the bottom of the garden, hear Henry being started and will come back in, past Henry and head upstairs.

    The same daft dog will, if upstairs, come downstairs, go past Henry and into the garden.

    Youngest – 20 weeks – watches…. so far .. given she will shed constantly I’m slowly getting her used to Henry.

  4. I once tried hoovering my cat, he shed a lot, if you know anything about cats you can imagine how well that went.

  5. Used to have two German shepherd dogs. They absolutely loved getting a good hoovering. You’re definitely not the only one who does it!

  6. No. The hoover is a device that must be bitten into submission!

    (But not the robot hoover – that can poodle about the house unmolested for some reason)

  7. Our previous dog loved being hoovered, Present dog is so terrified of hoovers he’ll burst into daughters bedroom and roll himself up on the bottom bunk when we plug henry in , it’s a shame because if ever a dog could do with hoovering, it’s him

  8. I have two chihuahuas who go into full on fight mode if you so much as open the door to the cupboard where the vacuum is kept.

    My mom has a Jack Russel. Once when I was at their house, I was carrying him half asleep from sitting on the sofa to get a drink, and when we walked past the vacuum (which was also in a cupboard, but the door had been left open). He woke up, flipped over in my arms, went absolutely solid and shaking with rage, growling deeply with all his teeth exposed in the space of about half a second.

    So nah, I don’t vacuum my dogs.

  9. If you are able to control the power of the suction and put it on low, some pets will allow it. I’ve had many dogs, but only two have let me hoover them. One was a VERY fluffy golden retreiver. I would recommend brushing first, then hoovering, or you’ll have to empty the hoover cylnder a lot!

  10. Thats a good idea but i dont think hed sit there and let me at him without sedatives. The amount of hair comming off of short haired dogs is crazy. I thought long haired dogs were bad but its like a fine mist of hair every time you touch them if you dont brush them on the regular.

  11. There was a pet vacuum with attachments for grooming a dog. My ex’s dad got us the attachment from a charity shop or something. I never tried to vacuum the dog but the attachment was amazing for getting chunks of hair off the dog 

  12. My next-door neighbour hoovers her dog. She only does it in the summer months, though. He seems to enjoy it

  13. My grandparents dog (golden retriever) used to insist on being hoovered. He’d sit in front of the damn thing, and you weren’t able to actually hoover the carpets until he’d had enough

  14. No. When I hoover, my dog jumps up and down and barks, to let the hoover know who is boss.

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