Man slashed with knife ‘in homophobic attack’

Man slashed with knife ‘in homophobic attack’

by Tartan_Samurai

  1. I wish we had a more stronger state when it comes to violent crime. Our authoritarianism is focused on speech and behaviour rather than stamping out violence.

    The approach to stopping and searching people is weak.

    Were there to be any police lucky enough to come across these offenders just after the attack they are on push bikes so untouchable. Any harm caused by knocking them off their bikes would lead to years of suffering for those officers.

    Eventually if/when they are caught the sentencing will not be long enough to deter reoffending (stats shows 5+ years is pretty effective at reducing reoffending on release. Anything under 2 years is basically point less see the MOJ reoffending rates graphs) or keep the public safe from them.

  2. “Ugh, why do we need Pride anymore? No one cares if you’re gay!”

    This is why.

  3. That this happened in Bristol, one of the most progressive cities in England, is scary. Like wtf?

  4. It’s just crazy that people still care so much about other people’s sexual orientation.

    Also I agree with the another comment saying punishments for this type of crime need to be steeper.

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