One way ticket to Russia

One way ticket to Russia

Posted by robtk12

  1. He thinks to highly of himself. My guess is he is trying to get the USA to run away from him.

  2. It’s really hard to imagine Trump fleeing to another country. Certainly there’d be no point in him fleeing to one with an extradition treaty, but where else would he go where he could live like he does here?

  3. I understand this is a joke but can you imagine a former president of the United States living in exile to avoid going to prison? It’s mind blowing where we are right now.

  4. I’d like to think the Secret Service would … take steps to prevent this, but what do I know?

  5. Putin would make him disappear. No way Putin is feeding that orange blob for the next 20 years.

  6. Imagine if you joked about leaving the country while out on bail from only 1 felony. You’d be locked away and forgotten about until trial day. And yet this guy can get convicted of over 30, still get bail, literally gets on private jets and makes jokes about it. Fucking embarrassing the justice system in this country. An unfunny joke of a place.

  7. Thing that gets me the most is that _he_ gets to ride on those planes and have the comforts in life few get to experience. _Him._ A pedo rapist serial lying felon. And one full of hubris such as him.

    I’d feel so much better if he _truly has wealth_ that part of his sentencing plan would be to have disadvantaged people enjoy his stuff and have him watch them do it. Sleep on his bed, use his stuff, ride in his cars and planes. I’d love to watch too.

  8. The one thing that will guarantee that he never flees the country is the secret service. They work on behalf of the US government to protect Trump. That also mean they have a duty to get him to his court dates and keep him safe in prison. He may be able to visit other countries, but if he wishes to stay long term he would have to forfeit their protection. Do you think after 2 assassination attempts he is willing to give that protection up?

  9. He thinks it would be a punishment to the USA. He’s wrong. Please leave but to whomever gets him we’ll apologize for giving you the worst waste we’ve ever created.

  10. Putin will have a diplomatic plane in the air on November 6 headed for a “discreet” location near Mar-a-Lago.

  11. He can at least claim the booby prize. When he flees to Mother Russia, Putin can name him “king” of the conservative American enclave in Siberia.

  12. He would love to go to Russia. Putin can still use him to continue sowing discord in our country.

  13. It would be really wild for him to flee to Russia and Putin to stick him in a Russian prison since he no longer has a use for him.

  14. I forgot that in 2017 his lawyers and bodyguard raided his wack DR in New York and took all his medical records and told him to take down the pic he had of him and trump in his office , all bc the dr said he prescribed hair growth cream, not really related but still wild

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