‘Russia is far from invincible, Ukraine can win this war’ | Leigh Turner

‘Russia is far from invincible, Ukraine can win this war’ | Leigh Turner

“Russia can be beaten. They’re running out of people just as much as Ukraine is.”

Putin risks falling foul of Russia’s history of coup’s as Russia’s elite are increasingly worried about the economic and demographic damage of his ‘waste of time’ invasion of Ukraine, Former Ambassador to Ukraine Leigh Turner tells Frontline on #timesradio

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  1. Correct. Putin thought that he would conquer Ukraine in 3 days. That's why there was no Plan B. When the pincer on Kiev failed — when the paratroopers failed to second Hostomel and the IL-76 transports could not deliver troops, when the tank column from Sikivka, Belarus on the Kiev road was slaughtered by Ukrainians slinging javellns, and when Zelenskiy did not flee after being told about the pincer, it all failed. Day 956

  2. You are living an illusion, weakening Russia? The economy is in trouble? Where do you get your information? The economy of Russia is better than the UK. And Russia will definitely win the war, your propaganda is obvious for all to see, with your lies, nobody believes or listens to the western news outlets anymore

  3. Unfortunately I've heard this sort of thing at least a couple of hundred times…. telling people what they want to hear obviously brings in the views

  4. Is there really any point in a push to be rid of Putin? Take a look at history, Russia has a serious issue of choosing('electing' doesn't really work) people like Putin to lead their country. The Russians still haven't really come to accept what Stalin was. Once Putin is gone, the next guy will be more of the same.

  5. Ukraine was defeated 2 years ago when the west failed to meet even basic industrial expansion demands but now they are desperate to play it off like ukraine is going to get honorable terms.

  6. How mu(h do ya pay 4 1 bread i|| ru, pre'. Pri(es moskau 😉 siberia, vladivos+○○●●●k kasas+@|| apples, su||'lower seads herbs rise …. 😢😢😢???

  7. Respectfully, not a robot, but someone who has learned to look below the surface, even though it took the greater part of my life to see clearly. Once you see the strings on the puppets, you cannot in see them.

  8. Putin will be gone!. He’s having to scrape the barrel using prisoners who are essentially getting obligated and series of hugely embarrassing blunders and rusty artillery. His sheer vanity and arrogance alone rolling in with the Z tanks will be his epitaph. ‘Bitten off more than he can chew’. He will likely get the Gadaffi ending at the hands of his own snake pit. But who waits in the wings??

  9. I doubt Russia will overthrow Putin until they see the results of the American presidential election. Trump getting into power is their only lifesaver as far as I’m concerned which I hope will never happen.. Time will tell all..

  10. The Siloviki not Putin decides how long this lasts!!!
    They want Ukraine's vast oil, gas, and rare earths. Worth trillions!
    Now tell us why you wont report on that? The real reason for the invasion?

  11. Pure fantasy. Putin will not be overthrown. Russia will keep doubling down and nato will keep escalating. The whole thing is insane and will continue until it probably ends in nuclear war. The world has gone mad.

  12. Thank you Sir please expand this and put it in an article and l will help get it out to many newspapers magazines web sites. The Russian people are a great people who can wake Putin up that its time to negotiate Peace with Ukraine NATO and America and define how a apeaceful economic, political and cultural evolution can occur. Putin can understand we are in a new world emerging that Russia can be a leader in this emerging Peaceful Meta Society.

  13. Who's economy is failing, it of cohrse has to be russia, it couldn't possibly be the EU or the USA russia isn't the one with a $35 trillion debt russias industry isn't collapsing, its germany, where do they get these morons from.

  14. We will never know if Putin “thought” he could conquer Ukraine in 3 weeks or a year. But no matter how you interpret history, he NEVER expected it to take this long or consume so many young, male Russians.

    Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

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