dear 2we4u, are you grateful for your spawn place?

dear 2we4u, are you grateful for your spawn place?

by No-Country22

  1. I could’t imagine a life without beer festivals every weekend for 4 months straight within a 40 km radius around my home. And excessive alcoholism during the rest of the year.

  2. He should have smelled Birmingham from inside the womb, and reject the offer to be born.

  3. Fake, that kid has way too much hair for a Barry. Everyone knows they’re born bald. Also this looks like a hospital, not like a swamp.

    Of course I’m grateful for my spawn, I’m born in WEU and not in England.

  4. Very grateful. I could be born in some unholy place like Kranj or Črnomelj, but I happened to spawn in Maribor, city carrying the methanol wine R&D.

  5. There is literally no other place on earth i could imagine living. Maybe Switzerland, but being land locked is just so utterly humiliating. I dont think i could live with the shame.

  6. Im Born in Bavaria and life my hole life in Tirol. It’s perfect nice tradition nice people nice exsive alcohol consume.
    EDIT: I’m 15

  7. Wouldn’t trade this for anywhere else. As a matter of fact I didn’t.

    But it ain’t Birmingham.

  8. The only cool place to visit in Birmingham is the Lego shop and Malt House pub. It’s freaking depressive otherwise!

  9. I found out I was gonna be born British and simply refused to be born (breach)

    Unfortunately it turns out being born was non-negotiable (caesarian)

    At least I wasn’t born in England, small mercies I guess

  10. It’s alright. I enjoy the culture, food and music. The people are…here too I guess.

  11. Yeah I guess I’m fine with it. But if I was born in a poor family then Italy is a terrible place for social mobility so I’d probably be fucked and see it differently.

  12. I am very pleased with where I spawned yes. The only other countries who even come close are our nordic brothers.

    I shudder to think how people in more average and “normal” countries have it.

  13. Yes.

    We like to talk shit about italy but even with all the problems its one of the best place to live, even if im not rich.

  14. Not birmingham, but where i was born i was nearly stabbed twice in 5 years….so basically marginally better than birmingham!

  15. I am THIS close to Campania, nearly shat myself when I first found out

    And also because I was a baby, but still

  16. Everyone knows Cork City is the centre of the universe

    Edit: what the FUCK happened my flair

  17. There’s no other country in the world i could imagine being born in tbh

    Maybe finland but nahh

  18. O’
    The Horror! The Horror!

    The brutish Dark continent… The monstrous pall Of Asia Minor, the endless Steppe.. how they rejoice!
    Rejoice in avoiding that dark brooding stain O’ Birmingham!

    From the dark annals of history… Edward Gibbon how he falters with his quill when trying to write the ‘rise’ section… how his quill flashes silver, spooling speeding light when writing of the ‘fall’ within his great tome “The rise and fall of the city of Birmingham”

    That festering evil where malignis Doth live… how the rivers wind to avoid that dark place, the prettied Rowan the graceful birch… how they… those nymphs of the Green English wood shrink back.

    The Horror!

  19. Yeah, I like it here (Cotswolds). It’s quite Tory cos a lot of posh people live here (and I’m very much not) but it’s not like having to deal with fascists every day or whatever. It’s beautiful, and the music and comedy scenes are great in this country. Got good transport links to most big cities. Not perfect but I’m quite happy

  20. Yes, i believe that i hit the jackpot with that one, although Norway or Finland would have worked out as well.

    But Sweden… Eww no thank u id rather be Dutch than Swedish

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