Russian Forces Attempt to Retake Kursk

Russian Forces Attempt to Retake Kursk

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Russian forces have started their counter attack inside the Kursk region with the goal of pushing all Ukrainian troops out. I want to examine 2 main things in this episode: first the results of this offensive campaign, then the impact of new foreign aid flowing into both Ukraine and Russia.

Starting with the battle in Kursk. Beginning on September 10th 2024 Russian troops launched their attack – two days later the Russian ministry of defense had reported they had recaptured at least 10 settlements. In that initial push alone they recaptured roughly 20% of the territory back. Russia is now advancing in Russia. The main effort to pay attention to here I think, is on the western flank of the Ukrainian held territory. And The key town you need to know about here is (koh-reh-NOH-voh) Korenovo because it sits right on the edge of the (same) Seim river.

There is a very important reason why Russia aimed at recapturing Koh-reh-noh-voh, This is because Retaking this bit of land was strategically important for their follow on operations. This push was designed to clear a land route for their soldiers who were previously trapped between Ukrainian forces in Kursk AND south of the Seim river.

Written by: Chris Cappy & Armando Duerte Galan & George Burden
Edited by: Michael Michaelides

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  1. Hey guys I strongly recommend going to to compare coverage and stay fully informed on military developments around the world. Subscribe through my link for 40% off the Vantage Plan for unlimited access, this month only. If you're interested in getting trustworthy unbiased news you gotta check Ground News out.

  2. The whole “I’m totally not biased” spiel really sends the opposite message😐 especially when they’re not just “taking territory in Russia” it’s 99.99% Ukrainian territory they’re taking. Like cmon. I’m actually embarrassed I used to like your little group.

  3. It does not matter whether Ukraine pulls entirely out of Kursk, and here's why. It will still be shadow upon the glory of Russia. It will still be a troll behind the mirror. Russians will always have to ask themselves: "What if?" And they may have to use resources on thinking about other places along their fairly long border that could perhaps be weak. Because Ukraine could attack any of those points. And in doing so, it would shake up the bear and reveal more weak points that Ukraine could send their drones to.

  4. "Sgt Cappy, Cmdr Crimbo here. I got here as quick as i could iv got an SR-72 fueled up on the flightline ready to fly you there asap you are going to have to come with me Sarge, iv been sent by Command. The General wants to know if you can prove you are Bi-Ass'd ? Is your ass realy split in two? If so he wants you to check in with the Company Doc after showing him At once Sarge! I'm to take you to Company Command HQ. Get Moving Sarge Left. Right. Left. Right… " Lol

  5. WW2 was won and lost in the factories. Though the NAZIs had a head start, the allies were able to eventually out produce them. The argument I am hearing is that Russia can out produce NATO.

  6. I appreciate that you don't assume that anyone that supports Russia is a paid shill. Not everyone needs to be paid to be garbage, some folks just naturally are.

  7. Tremendous video!
    Can you do a video on the legalities of the war reporters who move between nations? I know Russia said it was illegal for them to enter Kursk. But sure let that would apply to the Russian ones in Ukraine?

  8. I always thought Ukraine did this to move troops around. To strengthen other places. As far as the russian moving in companies strength they're in Russia. Away from the main Ukraine cover . Once they turn back towards Ukraine. It'll return to small movement. No large attacks

  9. lol why assuming pro Russian are paid off… that’s the narrative pro west. Why not pro west are being paid or just play the game to stay in YouTube and keeping their livelihood income and pub. 😊

  10. it is surprising how many people Don't know about the orange revolution and several issues Ukraine has had with Russia since 2008 and before. Ukraine DOES have the right to worry that they could end this war only for Russia to start it again. I'm tired of hearing that's not likely (not complaining about the video just a common thought surrounding the content)

  11. The Deepstate brainwashed a country with a tv show and then had the actor elected as their president and now "unknown" number of soldiers young and old are dead and their land is leased to the banks for the next 200 years for the aid they get… what advanced levels of psyops does to a nation.

  12. Buying more time for what? I think it is obvious that Ukraine cannot take back what has already been taken, and just risk losing more. It's time for them to negotiate and preserve whats left of their nation. With a 10:1 artillery, the Ukrainian losses myst be staggering.

  13. And just who is the USA, or the west for that matter, that they can tell China who or who it can’t work out ally with? Wasn’t the argument of the west that Ukraine can choose whoever they want to be friends with? Two way street.

  14. There’s a lot of debate about the aid that is sent to Ukraine but I think you make a good point when you say it’s stockpiles of old equipment that would never have been used anyways, there’s certainly a cost of transporting these weapons and training the ukrainian army to use them effectively but I believe it’s a small price to pay when you get to stick it to the bully (Russia)

  15. Between the hurricanes, the Israeli war, the election noise, I realized a quarter of the way through this video that I had forgotten that Russia and Ukraine were at war as well… We're just now reminding me of all the other current wars I had forgotten. Which is sadly far truer for many and they still take this country for granted. Whens the last time ya'll stuggled for basic resources like water and electricity for years?

  16. Hilarious how you claim to allow an open discussion and promote ground news for alternative views but on that live stream your channel had no problem removing my comments pointing out how the IDF has bombed Christian villages in Lebanon, injured and killed Christians in their reckless campaign against Hezbollah but I guess that's not allowed. When you point out facts like Bhamdoun, a Christian village in Lebanon being bombed that can't be allowed. The facts don't fit the narrative.

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