UN says 2024 is deadliest year for Channel migrants

UN says 2024 is deadliest year for Channel migrants


by ClassicFlavour

  1. I still can’t think of a particularly good reason why we don’t just allow people to make asylum claims offshore.

  2. So all the people that support this influx in migrants and pushing against stopping it actually are responsible for an increase in deaths.

  3. OK cool. How about setting up an office in calias for these ecominic migrants to claim asylum?

    If they are successful they can have house, credit card, benefits, healthcare etc. But yeah, who cares about out existing homeless population for those who lost their jobs and can’t pay their mortgage. Fuck em.

  4. Set up safe routes of travel.

    I propose we dig a big tunnel under the sea, connecting us with the continent.
    Then we can run trains back and forth.

  5. The leftwing politicians who have refused to reform our dysfunctional system are the ones responsible for these avoidable deaths.

    Currently there is an overwhelming incentive for illegal migrants to make the perilous journey, as soon as you claim asylum you gain all sorts of legal protections and privileges (such as guaranteed accomodation as per ECHR rules, we are paying £120-150 per night, per migrant). Even if your claim is rejected you will _de facto_ be allowed to stay indefinitely because it is borderline impossible to deport anyone (even when [they are violent criminals ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11877091/Convicted-rapist-fighting-deportation-allowed-stay-Britain-crime-judge-rules.html))

    If we had a blanket, lifetime ban on granting asylum or visas to anyone who had arrived illegally, alongside instant deportations, it would no longer be worth making the journey and the route would close itself almost overnight.

    The status quo is you’re basically guaranteed to stay and the government will immediately put you into a 4-star hotel (we are currently at [£15 million a day on hotels and £5.4 billion a year for illegal migrants](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/government-labour-yvette-cooper-matthew-rycroft-home-secretary-b2504330.html)) – then it is worth taking the risk to pay the people smugglers because once you get in, you’re sorted for life.

  6. >The International Organization for Migration (IOM) says the deaths are “preventable” and is calling for more safe and legal ways for migrants to travel to the UK.

    Or maybe, just maybe, we arrest the people smugglers getting rich of human misery.

  7. Asylum shopping should be banned. Anyone coming in from a safe country should automatically be denied asylum.

  8. I dont want to hear the people who are encouraging this complain when they can’t find schools for their kids or a house to rent/buy and say goodbye to NHS services.

  9. I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics one has to go through to escape a country where you aren’t safe, only to then pass through many safe countries, just so you can put yours and your family’s life at risk making an unnecessary trip across the North Sea in a dinghy.

  10. They know its open season now, expect this to get a hell of a lot worse before something is done, violent crime is going to sky rocket. Forget about affordable housing say goodbye to school places and enjoy waiting half a year for NHS services.

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