Trump used his RNC speech and fake photos, to mask the collision, mouth wound and head movement

Trump used his RNC speech and fake photos, to mask the collision, mouth wound and head movement

Posted by cjcam777

  1. Nothing grazed him (if it did he would have flinched not reached for his ear with his hand) bullet nearby shockwave & the sound is why he reached for his ear.

    Yeah he was hit by the bodyguard or when he dropped on the floor (Explain the speedy ear recovery with no visible scares or anything, bullet wound would have lasted longer and had more scar or disfigure)

    And he milks it because he’s a dramatic showmanship conman.

  2. I’m with you, but that would either mean they did tactical reactions, or they used strategic planning, which both seem very low probability.

  3. His “wound” was from the belt of the Secret Service agent smacking into him. Still shot at, still mildly injured, not shot.

  4. Funny thing is the medical report that was put forward by his pocket doctor also doesn’t explicitly state it was a gunshot wound. The way it was written out was deliberately done to try and shield him from potential charges for falsification even on the part where he signed it.

  5. I believe that Trump had a blood packet which he slammed against his ear. The way the “blood” was spurted across his face is not the way the blood would splatter if it was a bullet that hit. I don’t know who thought this up but it smells to high heaven.

  6. Who fuckin cares. He’s done enough truly vile crap I see no reason to worry about whether a bullet fired at his head nipped an ear or not. So he makes some political hay with people who are already zealots. It’s not exactly productive.

  7. Take a look at Evander Holyfield’s ear. Cartilage doesn’t grow back. Trump’s ear magically healed in a couple of days.

  8. I also think it was staged. Bullet was real, but trump planned it. Also means the dead guy is probably dead because of trump.

  9. I’ve already seen another explanation and am convinced the SS’s gun/holster impacting his ear is how he was injured. Not to mention the fact a bullet, even one of the calibar involved, would leave a much more significant amount of damage, especially to an ear.

  10. It’s amazing that all of you conspiracy theorists believe the nonsense in the post and what you type out here. You can literally see the blood on Trumps hand when he grabs his ear before he goes to the ground. Seriously, something is wrong with you all. You just hate Trump so much you’ll peddle this conspiracy to no end. It’s insane.

    There is a frame by frame of when he was shot for you all to look through and try your absolute best to debunk, if you dare. You can see the blood on his hand after he grabbed his ear. You’re welcome.

  11. Of course he does.

    It doesn’t matter what the truth is on his side. All he needs is to rile his masses.

  12. It doesn’t really matter, he got shot at. He lies all the time and no one is voting for him because he got shot anyway.

  13. What are the chances that we find out some idiot on Trumps team is hiring this idiots to shoot at him just to make him more popular?

  14. Trump’s injury should be hailed as the fastest healing ever in the world. It was like magic.

  15. Think about how silly the lie is.

    Someone tried to kill him. Whether he was shot or injured shielding himself, someone still tried to murder him.

    Like omfg. They are so stupid (thankfully) to not understand that a bullet wound was not needed and lying would bite them down the road.

  16. Something wrong with you guys, he got shot. It’s not fabricated. It’s a minor wound. He still got shot. Move on.

  17. A .223 AR round travels at almost 3000 feet per second. That’s a lot of kinetic energy. Even a nick to his ear would have caused permanent disfigurement to the cartilage

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