09 Oct: RUSSIAN LOSSES MOUNT at Vuhledar as Ukrainians Escape Through Open Corridor | War in Ukraine

09 Oct: RUSSIAN LOSSES MOUNT at Vuhledar as Ukrainians Escape Through Open Corridor | War in Ukraine

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Today, the biggest developments come from the Vuhledar direction.

Here, Russians tried desperately to fully close their encirclement and capture the entire Ukrainian contingent in Vuhledar, but were forced to engage in intense urban fighting and go through the town instead of around it. Ukrainians also set up a new line of defense, leaving Russians to be stuck in the soon-to-arrive autumn mud after having won a bitter victory.

As Russians had crossed the river from the west and advanced on Vuhledar’s eastern flanks from Vodiane, Russians were close to taking the town into complete encirclement, trapping Ukrainian forces inside. Russians were targeting the only Ukrainian supply lines into the city with drones and artillery strikes as well, severely deteriorating the situation for Ukrainian defenders. The only options left for Ukrainians were either to push Russians out of Vuhledar’s flanks and reestablish ground lines of communication with the town, or for the Ukrainian 72nd mechanized brigade to conduct a withdrawal.

Pushing Russian forces out of their attempted encirclement of Vuhledar was a significant challenge for Ukraine. The Ukrainian brigades on Vuhledar’s flanks were largely unmechanized, lacking the necessary firepower to launch a direct assault on Russian positions. Western weapon deliveries were limited and needed to be prioritized for other areas of the front, and Ukraine couldn’t divert mechanized units from those sectors to reinforce Vuhledar. Ukrainian soldiers reported that Russian Spetsnaz special forces and specialized drone units were supporting the infantry assaults on Vuhledar, attacking from three sides and maintaining constant artillery fire. With compromised supply lines and increasing pressure, the Ukrainians’ only option was to withdraw from the town. They prioritized saving the veteran 72nd mechanized brigade over holding Vuhledar, which had already been reduced to ruins.

The Ukrainian rifle brigades and battalions on the flanks, skilled in defensive operations, were assigned to hold the line against Russian forces attempting to fully encircle Vuhledar. If we look at the topographic map, we can see that the Russians had to cross multiple gullies, lowlands, and rivers to complete the encirclement. Meanwhile, the Ukrainians held the high ground on the opposing hill ridges, giving them an advantage in repelling Russian attacks. They also maintained control over the western part of coal mine number three to prevent the Russians from advancing along the ridge toward Bohoiavlenka, which would have jeopardized the rescue operation.

Ukrainians released numerous videos showing their successful defense against Russian mechanized attacks on Vuhledar’s eastern flanks, where they destroyed many Russian infantry fighting vehicles using FPV drones. One video showed a Russian BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle attempting to assault Ukrainian positions on the western flank. Ukrainian forces responded with their own BMP-2, opening fire and killing the Russian crew. The footage concludes with Ukrainian soldiers capturing the Russian vehicle and driving it back to their lines, waving a Ukrainian flag to avoid being mistaken for the enemy.
The original uncensored combat footage of the Russian-Ukrainian BMP duel can be found on our Telegram channel through the link in the description.

As Ukrainians retreated from Vuhledar, Russian drone footage showed them targeting Ukrainian vehicles used in the evacuation. However, most strikes were on stationary targets, suggesting Ukrainian troops had already evacuated into the tree lines. When the footage showed strikes on moving Ukrainian vehicles, it pixelated and cut out before impact, indicating Ukrainians were using electronic warfare to disrupt Russian drone attacks. Russians also targeted Ukrainian evacuation routes with nighttime artillery barrages, attempting to hit troops moving undetected through the tree lines. Despite these efforts, Russians were unable to fully encircle Vuhledar due to strong Ukrainian resistance on the flanks and the logistical challenge of having their nearest supply hubs 18 to 30 kilometers away, with no hardened roads for easier access.

By October 1st, it was evident that Ukrainian forces had completed their withdrawal from Vuhledar. Russians quickly moved in, posting numerous videos of raising Russian and Soviet flags on the town’s buildings. In response, the Ukrainian 72nd Mechanized Brigade, which had defended…

  1. It's absurd how Russian soldiers are attacking just like an hord of zombies with no sign of understanding of their severe losses on the ground. How stupid they are???

  2. Еще один канал, ведущий трансляции прямиком из сумасшедшего дома. Ну, и, соответственно, перепись душевнобольных пацинтов в комментариях

  3. I've heard from other sources that this withdrawal was not routine or easy for Ukraine. Many soldiers had to stay behind and provide cover for the troops that could get out.

  4. It is incomprehensible that Ukraine lack firepower in crucial locations like Vuhledar, since the passing of the US latest support package in April 2024. WTF is going on 🤔

  5. Russians and vatniks will claim this is a huge victory, and that Ukraine is doomed to fall, ironically, Germany in ww2 thought the same when they took Kiev, Minsk and Kursk, and almost take Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow, but at the long run, they failed… why does the pro-russians believe they are winning when the war can turn against them even having their enemy held against a wall? (even actual scenario not being that one)

  6. So, for the 1,750th consecutive time the Russians lead head on attacks on a town/city while attempting to encircle the location using waves of attacks on the flanks till attrition won the day. I wonder what they will try next.

  7. I have two questions. There is an info circulating that supposedly one of the defenders of Vuhledar said that out of 300 soldiers there are only 30 left, or something like that. Is it true? There is also a video circulating of huge repeating explosions with someone screaming in in Russia 'This is Vuhledar! This is Vuhledar!" What's that about?

  8. Путина не волнует, сколько русских мужчин погибнет, лишь бы их смерть была платой за его второй золотой унитаз в третьем бункере.🚽

  9. I hope Ukraine can create more military units both armoured and motorised infantry. I wonder if it is possible to lay metal roads to counter the autumn spring mud season. To help with creating more approaches for re-supply.

  10. not sure how ya can talk like this is a win, like sure they lost shit tons for this but they still gained land, and looking at the track record of ukraine recently might not be a good next month on this line either.

  11. wow.. wonderful, does that mean ukraine is winning on the battlefield?? I haven't been up to date for a long time.. what's going on? did ukraine take kursk and return donbas?? inform?? in the German story that the Ukrainian army is doing great in the Donbass and that their counter-offensive was successful

  12. There's two sides to the story how about Ukraine keeps losing territory, men & weapons, and the Ukrainian clown keeps begging for more money 💰 🤑. How come you are not reporting this 🤔
    Because you are propaganda one side fake news that less & and fewer people even watch or listen too.

  13. It feels that the news about the war is too heavily biased. If you support Ukraine, it feels like the news often leaves out the gains that the russians make. If you support russia, well you are just stupid. This video unlike a lot actually seems to show how Ukraine isn't doing as well as most people want them to be doing. They are undermanned but worse is how horribly they are lacking equipment. This loss only happened because of equipment. russia also gets criticized a lot for their meat wave tactics but they unfortunately are working and they don't seem to be running out of men or supplies nearly quick enough. The US and EU need to do more or this will not end the way that we want it to.

  14. Traitor Zelensly sent us to worthless Kursk to weaken the front and we are losing land at record speed while feeding russians in Kursk. Western fools maybe it is time you wake up and live in reality.

  15. Hm, I wonder. If those Russian losses are mounting. And mounting. How many losses can Russia take? No one knows and everyone is just guessing.The fact is however that Russian former top UN diplomat B. Bondarev (in exile in Switzerland) told a few years ago that Putler is willing to sacrifice 10 million Russians to get his hands on Ukraine. Given Russian warfare/doctrine, that may well be true.So then those few hundred thousand Russian casualties wouldn't really be much for Putler.And that could also be true because he keeps bringing in fresh enforcements/soldiers and that end of that is not in sight for the time being.

  16. Thank you for the detailed update on Vuhledar. The world media made it out as being a major victory for the Orcs, but it was far from that. Thanks to the valiant defense that held out for over two years.

  17. The Vuhlear withdrawal didn't go nearly as well as this video suggests. Igor Hryba, the commander of the 186th Battalion of the 123rd Ukrainian Territorial Defence Brigade, allegedly committed suicide when his forces refused/deserted when tasked to support the withdrawal. Mykola Voroshnov, an officer from the 72nd Brigade, stated there was no official order to withdraw, leading to confusion. The withdrawal was reportedly challenging, with numerous casualties due to Russian drone and artillery attacks. Soldiers had to evacuate on foot due to logistical difficulties. Some sources claim wounded soldiers were left behind during the retreat. This reflects a situation that exists in other areas of the frontline. Moral is very bad.

  18. Funny unintended pun there at 1:54. Pronouncing rubble the same way as the Russian currency (Rouble) gave me a good laugh. "Ukrainian priorized [saving their troops] over keeping Vuhledar, which had already been reduced to roubles"

  19. One needs to count on rain season. Staying in a pocket, any retreat would become extremely thretened. As opposed to repelling attacks against straight defence lines.

  20. Except Russians dont care about losses. Any loss is acceptable as long as victory is theirs, phyrric or not. They will fill their losses in no time as they have shown in the past.

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