[OC] Updated 2024 Democratic & Republican Party Platform Word Clouds

Posted by maw_2k

  1. I’m back with updated 2024 party platform word clouds (during the acceptable Rule 8 window no less)! I hope these ones are more readable, informative, and beautiful. Thank you to the folks who commented on the original post to let me know about Rule 8 and offer advice on how to improve the visualization. It’s much appreciated. 

    These word clouds reflect the top 50 most frequent words that appear in the official Democratic & Republican party platforms with stop words, other common terms (e.g. ‘America’, ‘will’), and party + candidate names removed to focus on the policy proposals and related framing. Word clouds are generated deterministically (i.e. random seed is fixed) with collocations enabled and word size directly proportional to frequency in the text (i.e. more frequent words will appear larger). The color of words is determined via defaults and is not connected to word frequency or other word stats, though blue gradients are chosen for the Democratic platform word cloud and red gradients are chosen for the Republican platform word cloud to match conventional party colors.

    For more details on how the visualization was generated and the source code (Python matplotlib & wordcloud library) + data, refer to [https://github.com/maw1999/2024_party_platform_word_cloud](https://github.com/maw1999/2024_party_platform_word_cloud).

  2. Also, some potential discussion topics!

    Any recommendations on how to further improve these types of visualizations?

    Key insights from the word clouds for each party?

  3. Lmao protect border restore! Sounds about right and actually does provide some insight into overall messaging. Super cool idea. I’d love to see one based on the candidate’s remarks.

  4. I like the choice of monochrome better! It’s more distinct for party colors, much easier to read, and less chaotic than the mixed colors.

    I also feel like the larger terms are more representative of the respective core talking points.

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