Nato Chief Mark Rutter speaks to BBC News about Ukraine | BBC News

Nato Chief Mark Rutter speaks to BBC News about Ukraine | BBC News

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has held talks with Volodymyr Zelensky in Downing Street, as the Ukrainian president seeks to shore up European support for his country’s war effort.

Mark Rutte, the new head of the Nato military alliance, also attended to take part in the talks with Zelensky.

Rutte told BBC News after the meeting that “it’s crucial for Ukraine to prevail,” adding the situation “is not only a problem for the Ukraine, but also a threat to all of us”.

Rutte, when asked whether he would support such use, said that legally, Ukraine is allowed to use its weapons if they can hit targets in Russia that present a threat to Ukraine, but the decision was not up to him.

“That is up to the individual allies to decide how weapons they deliver into Ukraine can be used,” he said.

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  1. According to article 14 and 21 of the constitution of India in karnataka state police stations and Secret Workshops innocent people s are illegally detained by them without court knowledge and Phone tapping and Internet system snooping by the karnataka state police and violates the article 21of the constitution of India FBI investigation is necessary through the UNO is necessary in the interest of the Personal liberty in karnataka state in india

  2. According to article 14 and 21 of the constitution of India in karnataka state RTI applications are destroyed postal letters are not reached court notices not reached court case files misplaced certified copies misplaced wrong entry of Dates phone tapping and Internet system snooping by the karnataka state police and system destroyed by them in the state FBI investigation is necessary through the UNO is necessary in karnataka state in india

  3. Can you understand it or not ? Ukrain and nato and all european puppets will go to meet banderas and hitler Russia is winning all of them they know it and they are desperate.

  4. Ukraine is an independent country recognized by members of UN. In reality, its state is more like Tibet other countries have treated.🤣🤭

  5. Trump is a Russian asset. Clear as day. Everything he does is what Putin would do. Let covid run riot. Mis-info on hurricanes so more people die. Undermining and attacking democracy with court cases galore and a coup. He is no friend of Nato or democracies.

  6. Teflon Mark, another patsy of Washington and the MIC. Unfortunately for them more people have become aware of the truth about Ukraine and the russophobic nonsense that the EU, UK and Nato have been pushing out; the proxy war is about USA wanting to weaken Russia before moving on to tackle China and the western power club fearing losing their money laundering and other nefarious schemes in Ukraine. The real losers are Ukraine's half a million men slaughtered on the battlefield and those left avoiding the TCC rounding them up on the streets to be sent as cannon fodder. Shameful.

  7. Neto and the entire west are cowards, i hear people keep saying Russia is making emty threats now as nuch as i believe that could be true, why hasn't the UK, France, Germany or the US individually given Ukraine the permission to use their long range missile?
    I mean just clearly said individual country can decide and it wasn't up to Neto to decide, aren't they cowards?
    If the west is so brave and ready to call Putin's bluff they should just give the green light individually and stop making it look like a Neto decision

  8. Mark rutte is racist against British and Irish people, zelensky actually has genuine nazis in his government, fork tongued starmer is deep with these anti British people, seriously WTF American foreign policy has ruined Britain

  9. I think there are a lot of people in Monglia that would like Democracy. They are kinda surrounded by communist.. maybe Eastern Russia isn't so communist, I don't know but they deserve to live as they would like.

  10. There is no solution, you can't negotiate because Putin holds everything he wants, and he has refused, what would you offer him? Legitimise Crimea? The Ukrainians would not love that. The other end of the spectrum is to do 'ww2' with allies going in there. Then there are issues like nuclear strikes and persuading countries to sign up troops for foreign war. (NATO is a defence pact only). The third option is to fight. Its happening but the response is really inadequate. If you consider the last two wars in Europe , Britain and America had their entire economies geared up for production of ammo and guns and aircraft. Do you see that happening?
    The situation needs a game changer, otherwise it will persist for a long time.

  11. Imagine a game being played by three types of people.

    One group gets to make the rules of the game.

    Another group of people blindly follow the rules of the game.

    The last group wants to win and is happy to cheat.

    Now, without knowing any other information.

    Which two groups do you think will benefit from this game?

    This how the democracy work in the western world, Its controlled by the top elites and everyone else just follows orders, the western media and the western banks and the politics of west are brain washed, while the family is waking up….Thats why capitalism is bad which allows the elites to invade into countries

  12. Start looking after your own country just in case you forgot it's the United Kingdom.
    Stop sticking your nose into other countries' problems and stop giving away our money 😠

  13. Many people cant wait to see when Russia gonna declare war to Holland for example allowing Ukraine to use long range holland weapons…Dont listen this brainwashed demon Mark Rooter,,he want war war more wars not peace…

  14. Look simple WEST crossed all red lines, and what did Russia do take it out on Ukraine, like a REAL MACHO man … NOT.
    So talk is cheap Ruskies, you ain't got no balls.

  15. Dollar Survival and that of Western World Democracies will critically depend on Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan Also.
    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan which will be Declared a TF-WEZ _Tax Free World Economic Zone . Wherein the Trade of the Whole World would Prefer to pass Through.

    Potential Food Basket of the Western World
    With 4.5 Trillion Dollars GDP or more,
    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan
    Economically Will Soon Match that of Japan

    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan with its Mega Agro Based Economy that can become the Food Basket of the Western World Democracies
    KFFFA _Khalastan Free Food For All _Is pledged to provide Free Food For All the UN Food Programme Needs Worldwide for All times

    Abundant Water Resources,
    Hydro Electric Mega Production
    45 Millions Strong ,Industrious, Affable, Welcoming Sikhs and 50 Millions Happy Non Sikhs Human Resources
    Tourism Resources in
    Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Delhi
    Peace and Security maintained as Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan is a Powerful,Indomitable, Time Tested,Trustworthy Force.
    _Great Industrial Hub by Investment from 10 Million Affluent Sikh Diaspora Worldwide

    _Western World Democracies would like to Invest / Sell/Manufacture Goods too ,Safely and Profitably.
    _Real Estate will Boom as People are Extremely Land Loving
    50 percentage of Sikh Diaspora are Eagerly Keen to Shift to Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan, Bringing Investment, Know-how,Industry.
    Profitable Business, Trading with Pakistan, India, Neighbours ,And Export/Import throughout the World

    45 Millions Strong, Indomitable, Trustworthy Sikhs and 50 Millions Happy Non Sikhs of
    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan Can make Friendly Buffer Zone between 3 Virulent , Nuclear, Arch Rivals , Communist China, India and Pakistan
    Western World Democracies USA, Europe, Canada, Australia ,NATO will have the Only Militarily, Economically, Politically Strong, Stable,, Indomitable, Trustworthy Ally in South Asia.

    Cowards Always takes the Path of Least Resistance.
    So Ultimately India will go with BRICS at opportune time and it suits It's Economy.
    It'll never Stand Up To China.
    So Who Needs Untrustworthy Slime,
    Yellow Chicken India Beggarocracy Anyways.

    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan in South Asia,of 45 Millions Strong, Indomitable, Trustworthy, Affable Sikhs and 50 Millions Happy Non Sikhs
    Will be the Fulcrum, Tilting The Balance of Power as to which will be the Dominant Power Block in the World in the Coming Century.

  16. Blah blah… FACTS Ruskie started a war against all warnings. Russian economy in shambles and borrowing more and more money every day..
    Russian lives matter, not to Russians it seems, so if Russians don't care about Russian lives, who cares about Ethnic Russians 😛
    Then talk about other topic, works great in Russia not in the REST of the WORLD.

  17. Вражаюча співпраця агентів колишнього КГБ СРСР – нових дворян фсб з еліти України та еліти НАТО і цивілізованого світу, бізнес на війні та маніпуляції народом

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