Germany will supply more weapons to Israel, Chancellor Scholz announces

Germany will supply more weapons to Israel, Chancellor Scholz announces

by kishandris

  1. Such a great timing, right after Israel attacked UN troops. Embarassing, can we bend the knee even lower or is there a limit to what Israel can do without suffering any consequence whatsoever?

  2. Maybe also supply Taurus missiles and allow to strike Lebanon territory; as an ultimate insult to Ukraine

  3. Of course, it’s not like there is an aggressive war in Europe waged by Russia and weapons are needed there.

    Better send weapons to a remote country that already killed tens of thousands civillians and now is threatening to make oil prices skyrocket which will help Russia further.

    Good job Germany.


  4. Makes sense to send them too poor defenceless Israel who barely has a rifle to their name and not to Ukraine which has more weapons than it can use. Proper priorities there.

  5. Israel just attacked UN personel with a tank. The same UN they called terrorists. We shouldn’t be providing them with arms at all.

  6. Guys we know you feel guilty but Israel doesn’t need German Weapons. They need German know how like how to build the fun camps for the Palestine. They would be much happier if you send them the plans for Auschwitz.

  7. Maybe Israel wouldn’t have needed those weapons if UNIFIL actually enforced 1701 rather than enable Hezbollah’s expansion?

  8. I am an exchange student in Munich right now. Today at an intro to some team project course or what ever another person came to promote some hackaton or somerhing called “bavaria israel partnership accelerator”

    I read the tittle and was like: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤯🤯

    When the guy talking said “any questions” I said:
    “Just one.. I have some consernes with the name”

    And one of the lecturers of the course I was originaly at said verry arogantly: “YESS… BAVARIA ISN’T GERMANY… ha ha..”

    I responded really confused:
    “I.. was talking about the Israel part..”

    Then the lecturer promoting this “bavaria israel partnership accelerator”
    Started going into how Israel is super developed and how they have sooo much te hnology and how they have a great developer culture bla bla bla..
    The guy basicly thoight that my problem is that I thought Israel is some underdeveloped country and he needed to educate me on how developed Israel is…..

    I was just speachless..

  9. What’s the fucking point of these institutions if Germany will commit arms to a country who today deliberately fired on their UN/EU allies?

  10. Of-coarse they will because Germany will Germany. You would have thought they will learn but no neither they nor the Israelis will learn.

  11. Germany is so embarrassed still because of their last genocide, they help the guys they used to slaughter commit another one. Germany LOVES a good genocide.

  12. As a German it pains me to see how our government is complicit in this genocide. We don’t owe Israel or any Jew anything. Our generation was not arround in the 30’s and 40’s. Stop holding us accountable for it. Start looking at the problems in the here and now. Like the illegal occupation of Palestinian land and the murder of so many innocents.

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