Putin could see British troops in Ukraine in major escalation for the war

Putin could see British troops in Ukraine in major escalation for the war

“Russia will make a lot of this.”

Putin will see the deployment of British troops to Ukraine as a “massive escalation” but threats of nuclear war cannot “constrain” the west in helping Ukraine, says Senior Consulting Fellow at Chatham House Keir Giles.

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  1. Really?
    British troops?
    What troops?
    You people don't have an army.
    That ended with our colonial war.
    After WW2 we look over your colonies.
    No more pillaging and plundering.
    The US took that over.
    WE pillage and plunder.
    The current panic is that Putin and Xi, have started a world wide cooperation between countries.
    Kings of the round table.
    No heads of state

  2. I would say send your troops to Germany then WE are going to eat some breakfast together. Please keep your eyes open

    Kanal: infamous_style
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    Kanal: After Skool
    Titel: MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population becomes mentally ill
    (A Killing of the mind)

    Kanal: Hazards and catastrophes
    Titel: Illuminati: Myths and realities of a parrallel world documentary

    Kanal: Silberjunge Thorsten Schulte
    Titel: Entschleierung beginnt: John F. Kennedy, Nixon, Freimaurer, Putin, Bel Lazar, Vatikandokumente

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  3. Get ready with the body bags. Russia has already eradicated over 600000 troops protecting it’s country. This is not our war. Listening to you radio people talking about this topic is comical, you know nothing.

  4. 😂😂😂😂 which of them what a joke. Do they think they are playing PS5 😢😅 in Ukraine bunch of fools making funny jokes? Stammer should send his son in the first batch 🤔 then we all decide after we see what happened

  5. Мені здається, що Зеленський наче отой кривавий диктатор який зищує український народ. Кожного дня сотні загиблих громодян України. Він навіть дітей малолітніх не шкодує відбираючи у нещасних діточок рідних татусів поневолюючи їх мобілізіцією на невизначений термін, руйнуючи цим нещасним дітям долі та психіку та доводячи цим їх та їх матерів до самгубства. Сподіваюсь він відповість за усі злочини перед гаагським трибуналом

  6. Sorry Brits.
    The reality is that my local highschool wolverines could take some of London.
    A highschool football team.
    My military?
    Even worse, the Russian military?
    I do enjoy this channel.
    Very entertaining

  7. I expect special forces from more than one NATO country have been operating in Ukraine as advisers and trainers, along with Britain, Netherlands , USA, etc. providing logistics support, training and mission briefing and support.

  8. Another lame labour PM getting involved in a war to draw attention away from domestic issues. As much as I would like to see Putin fail in the Ukraine I don't want to see British troops dragged into this. If Starmer wants to put boots on the ground, send some of those thousands of young fighting age men who keep turning up on our shores in rubber boats. If they want a British passport so badly, let them fight for it.

  9. Keir Giles, writer, commentator, carrying weapons of war in his daydreams, calling American generals timid from his comfy Chatham London office.

  10. As a British taxpayer I did not consent for my hard earned money to fund this proxy war between the west and Russia, special forces from all of the west has been operating in Ukraine for the last couple of years, along with teams of who operate the high tech equipment which has been sold to Ukraine, and Ukraine is loosing this pointless war, zelenski should have taken the peace deal that was on the table instead of taking the money and snorting it up his nose, give peace a chance

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