The Ironing is Delicious

Posted by Boustephedon_42

  1. So are the watches that cost $100K as well

    And lets not forget htat one of Trump’s “big policie” is bringing the production back to American workers, while outsourcing his own projects.

  2. People don’t realize those “signed” copies are just made with a sharpie marker in an autopen. He never actually signs them himself. I’d like to see the fine print say he personally signs them.

  3. To be clear, he’s only signing the part of the Bible that he wrote, the book of the Puppet Trump.

  4. “Buy Chinese, hire Chinese!”

    —Donald Trump

    Is he signing them on the cover, like he’s been known to do?

  5. Overpay by 2000% on the most obvious grift in the world, ran by a lifelong conman to own the libs. Afterwards, complain that you can’t afford groceries. Republicans having a normal one as usual.

  6. Crazy that it would be so easy for him to make all his gimmicks in the USA and say “See! I lead by example!”. But…he can’t even do that…

  7. Where’s a Middle Eastern carpenter when you need him to turn over tables, whip some scam artists, and denounce their actions as turning God’s house into a den of thieves?

  8. American “Christian” Republicans and their “Messiah”, Donald Trump are by definition “Lovers of money”, according to Jesus Christ? Who knew?

  9. How to launder money…

    Dark money buys entire inventory and gladly pays over price. Untraceable. Trump gets money from foreign interests and oligarchs.

    You dummies think he’s selling them to regular people?

  10. He knows suckers when he sees them😂
    His cult don’t even know they are in a cult😂
    Like Jim Jones, of The Peoples Temple, they gave their Cultmaster their cash and he gave them the koolaid, in the end

  11. The Con Man strikes again. The govt. should go after his estate to pay for his many crimes.

  12. This is exactly like Indians getting their Made-in-china national flag for their special 75th independence Day 🫡

  13. It feels so telling of his business acumen that his amazing money making ideas are all cheap retail products sold at huge markups.

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