Shows 4 indexes made so 1999=100:

CPI is consumer price index ABS 640101
Coal and Natural Gas prices ABS 645704

Energy generation weights Table O

Electricity Prices AER spot price wholesale prices weighted average by state and aggregated to Australia

Used in weighted average:
Energy generation weights Table O, coal and gas prices were weighted by their use over time and then aggregated.

Used to get renewables as a percentage of all generations:

Energy generation weights Table O

Prices for renewables are too hard and inconsistent to come by, especially since all of the cost is in the capital and maintenance. Just used %.

While correlation does not imply causation, especially for time series, it never the less is interesting to compare. Note that commodity prices are only one component of generation costs.

Used excel and Matplotlib python package.

Posted by david1610

1 comment
  1. Source: Please read description
    Method: combined all the series in excel, read to data frame using pandas, then plot with Matplotlib

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