Putin kommt überraschend in einer illegalen schwarzen Limousine zum Iran-Gipfel

Putin kommt überraschend in einer illegalen schwarzen Limousine zum Iran-Gipfel


  1. > Vladimir Putin has broken the law in Turkmenistan by driving to a summit in a black limousine instead of a regulation white or silver car.


    Assuming he was even made aware of this rule, Dictators love rephrasing petty nonsense as being a “power move” so Putin probably felt great about this.

  2. How crazy would it be if Israel just launched a barrage on them and had to make it where putin could only be smuggled back to russia lmao.

  3. “Mr Berdymukhamedov Snr [the late president of Turkmenistan] banned black cars in 2018 because he considered them unlucky and spoiled his vision of the pristine capital, which is built out of white marble on the edge of the desert.“

    We can only hope they’re unlucky.

  4. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/10/11/vladimir-putin-arrives-iran-summit/) reduced by 87%. (I’m a bot)
    > Vladimir Putin has broken the law in Turkmenistan by driving to a summit in a black limousine instead of a regulation white or silver car.

    > After his bullet-proof Aurus Senat limousine pulled up outside Turkmenistan's palatial Chamber of Commerce, Putin walked up a steep flight of steps to met Serdar Berdymukhamedov, the Turkmen president whose father banned black cars because he thought they were unlucky.

    > "Relations with Iran are a priority for us, they are developing very successfully," Putin said.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1g18z8h/putin_arrives_for_surprise_iran_summit_in_illegal/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694898 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Turkmenistan**^#1 **Berdymukhamedov**^#2 **Putin**^#3 **Pezeshkian**^#4 **car**^#5

  5. Maybe Iran can get the trillions they need for infrastructure from Putin?

    Oops – the Russians dont have any money anymore nor do they make anything outside of weapons that has any commercial value, and even those aren’t that good.

  6. What kind of stupid journalism is it? Why dont they report the color of his underwear as well?

  7. I hate this guy as much as the rest of you, but diplomats and foreign leaders are not beholden to regulations of nation states world-wide.

  8. Damn. Maybe this will be the thing that rally nails him. God forbid a war criminal breaks a vehicular law. I’m sure they will throw him in jail for such a heinous crime.
    I guess the Holocaust could have been avoided too. All they needed to do was arrest Hitler for jaywalking and everything would have been different.

  9. Israel, I’m not saying to attack Iran right now, but doing so you’d kill to fucking terrorist birds with one stone.

  10. It’s so obvious how these two countries are collaborating to screw the world up, yet everyone in the west can’t get out of their revisionist narrative and see the bigger picture… Putin and the Ayatollah are butt buddies

  11. I can’t imagine policing the color of a car.

    The epitome of childish toxic masculinity is found in Iran. Everyone I know from there says they escaped

  12. Who gives a shit. Everyone knows the US president travels overseas with “The Beast.” Obviously paranoid pussy Putin will be doing something similar.

  13. Dumb headline. The meeting was important. The color of the car, and the law banning black cars, are pointless clickbait.

  14. “Former Soviet Turkmenistan lies on the southern edge of Central Asia next to Iran. It is one of the most repressive countries in the world, with a dictatorship that has no free media or open political process.

    In its 2024 report on Turkmenistan, the New York-based Human Rights Watch said all basic rights were repressed and torture in prison was rife.”

    I think I know who the UN will name as the next chair of the human rights council

  15. What is illegal about the limo? does it have rainbow colored tags and super tinted windows? Does it smell like marijuana? Or is the driver dwb?

    lol the title is a bit regarded to me

  16. It’s a show of authority. He knows what he’s doing.

    “Your little country only exists as your playground because I let it, don’t forget that”

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