Another group of Russian soldiers is ‘surprised’ by the Ministry of Defense’s failure to meet the terms of their contracts. We are talking about former prisoners who signed a one-year contract in September 2023.

by Hotrico

  1. Ministry of Defense russia – What, you are still alive!? Quick send them on attacking Odessa over the black sea!

  2. Human meat is complaining that they signed a pact with the devil. At least show some manliness and either accept your fate and end up as fertilizer or find a way to surrender

  3. wow they still believe the rules they were presented are the rules that apply to them…

    what a nation

  4. Don’t worry comrades!

    Sign up for the Z-Storm brigade, you’ll be packing your stuff real soon, yourselves included.

  5. Bla bla bla… your double fucked.. 1 fucked by your own goverment second fucked because your up.against Ukraine.

  6. The first and last sentences say it all. They signed contracts as prisoners. They want the rights of servicemen. What they don’t realise is that their contract doesn’t put them in the army so no rights as a serviceman.

  7. This needs to be read over armed forces radio by Adrian Cronauer. “We’re in the MOD in the SMO with from the VDV.”

  8. Dying for a geriatric regime that doesn’t care about the people. How glorious.

    These guys never learn. How many videos have we seen of people not happy with how they’re treated? And they have weapons. Other people would have put down their overlords instead of enduring the abuse.

  9. They need to realize that they can turn around and aim their weapons in the other direction as well. They will have about the same chance of survival as they have now.

  10. How dare they treat you like that 😤 report to Ukraine where and who your commanders are. They will sort them out, and you will be free to return home.

  11. Es werden in Zukunft noch viel mehr Russen überrascht sein.

    🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺

  12. Silence meat!

    You are meat for the meat cube. You will attack until you did or kill your commanders.

  13. Did these poor bastards really think they were worth anything to Putler? A bag of onions at most…

  14. Odd that they haven’t figured out that they’re slaves snd will only be free when they’re dead.

  15. Dear servants, I mean ‘servicemen’ of russia:

    You and I are honorable beings and we deserve the same respect. That is why you are the chosen ones to remain in Ukraine until the smo is completed! Also, what is your favorite color for your body-I mean sleeping- bag? And your family prefers potato or turnip?

    Vranyo to all,

    vladimir putin, king of the
    universe, and also besties with kim, xi,
    bashir and lots of other ‘important guys’

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