most peaceful continent in the world

most peaceful continent in the world

by No-Country22

  1. *recorded battles

    We weren’t more violent than anyone else, just we did it a cool way with knights and pikemen and shit so decided to write it down.

  2. I’m sure there were barbarians throwing rocks at each other, so sad they’re too illiterate to write it down and exaggerate the losses of their opponents

  3. War drives innovation and hence why Europeans tended to drive advancements in technology and exploration.

  4. Considering most chinese history is Emperor X sneezed, millions died in the civil war it caused. This does not seem accurate.

  5. How did we manage to become one of the wokest part of the world in a couple centuries?

  6. Source bias.

    We wiped out many historical records in the Americas for instance, written and oral.

  7. I’m pretty sure everyone else was doing just as much war, they just forgot to make carpets and write poems about it.

  8. Hard to know about battles if you limit it to “recorded battles”. Look at it as a civilization measure. Primitives don’t record slaughter.

  9. I mean…have you seen how the culture of the people in the next village varies a tiny bit from our culture?

    Absolutely barbaric i tell you!

    They wete practically begging us to plunder and burn their homes. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  10. Yea like people in africa werent killing eachother and arent currently having more than 30 armed conflicts on the continent. Bullshit map is bullshit.

  11. There is no way China has only that, their entire country self destroyed and got reunited again at least 9 fucking times

  12. I think we should have our own war here on this sub, 2we4u against the world! But what would the rules be?

  13. You need to record your history with accuracy in order to remember this kind of things.

  14. Unjerk: i guess Most violence in e.g. africa or some deep who knows what Jungle was just not recorded.

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