Pierre I-🥺 just… need to say👉👈

I don’t know how to tell you this but…
Fuck you (romantically)

Ich liebe dich ❤️

by Mammoth-Account-3791

  1. Traduction pour mon amour and all the ~~normal people~~ non-sadistic fucks not speaking this grammatical mess of a language:

    Partners for Germany

    What nations can be trusted?| Survey


    ~~USA~~ Savage fuck (we don’t talk about this)



  2. # Rastlose Liebe

    Dem Schnee, dem Regen,
    Dem Wind entgegen,
    Im Dampf der Klüfte,
    Durch Nebeldüfte,
    Immer zu! Immer zu!
    Ohne Rast und Ruh!

    Lieber durch Leiden
    Möchte’ ich mich schlagen,
    Als so viel Freuden
    Des Lebens ertragen;
    Alle das Reigen
    Von Herzen und Herzen;
    Ach, wie so eigen
    Schaffet das Schmerzen!

    Wie soll ich fliehen?
    Wälderwärts ziehen?
    Alles vergebens!
    Krone des Lebens,
    Glück ohne Ruh,
    Liebe, bist du!

    # Amour sans repos

    La neige, la pluie,

    Face au vent,

    Dans la vapeur des crevasses,

    A travers les parfums de la brume,

    Toujours fermé ! Toujours plus loin !

    Sans repos, ni trêve !

    Plutôt par la souffrance

    Je voudrais me battre,

    Que tant de plaisirs

    De la vie, j’endure ;

    Toutes les rondes

    Des cœurs et des cœurs ;

    Ah, comme c’est particulier

    Crée la douleur !

    Comment puis-je m’enfuir ?

    Aller vers la forêt ?

    Tout cela en vain !

    Couronne de la vie,

    Le bonheur sans repos,

    Amour, c’est toi !

  3. not sure what is meant with to “trust”, but why would you ever trust countries directly involved in wars

  4. In case you’re wondering, Austria isn’t in the survey cause it’s already considered the 17th German Länder

  5. I fucking love Pierre for who they are, and how they take shit on this sub without even itching (probably due to their arrogance, but still)

    Franco-german friendship is fucking based.

    ^(Our white wine is still better though)

  6. the new-old question of EU wide shared debts should show exactly that france cant be trusted.

  7. For the ones who don’t speak German. It say who you hate the most? Unsurprising France got first place. 82% hate it!


  8. What does that “””friendship””” entail tho?.. other than France pushing their interests? Its a meme created by common market interests and force fed to hippie boomers. The average french feels much closer in nearly every apect to even the brits than to a german lmao

  9. Feels like France is the best of the worst. Suprised that Israel is only 27%, should be by law 100%.

  10. After the end of Charlemagne
    France was splitted in two: east and west.
    This marked the beginning of an era of war and chaos

  11. God damn are you going to do us like in the old time?! We still have a lot of pain when we sit brothers…

  12. I suppose since we’re family, we weren’t included in the poll? I’d feel hurt otherwise😔

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