Full version of my previous post about russian assault on civil cars. Assault was conducted by at least two cars and two MT-LBs, and stopped by artilerry and drones.

Full version of my previous post about russian assault on civil cars. Assault was conducted by at least two cars and two MT-LBs, and stopped by artilerry and drones.

by Main_Discipline5408

  1. Seriously Russia…just f’ing leave already.

    No matter how many more square km you take…maybe hundreds even thousands…Ukraine and the West will produce an endless amount of drones. Literally endless. You will never hold the territory…you will just temporarily and clumsily occupy it with more of your cannon fodder…which is not endless.

  2. Need someone to check the video. Did 5:27 already have his nade out, but lost it due to the first drone drop, couldn’t find it and died before he could end himself?

    How do we count this in u/False-God list?

  3. The clip of the car trying to get through that mine field was already crazy. But in the context of this whole assault this is all just insane! Load a car with mobiks and send it, it explodes, send another car, it stalls, send in an MT-LB, send in some infantry and then watch the whole misery go down in a stream of severed limbs and blood. What kind of thinking is behind such a messed up strategy? Do they want to get rid of their soldiers so badly?

  4. It just goes to show death can be fatal even in small doses… Always very good news when its orc deaths.

  5. 7:04 Asian merc with no legs trying to remove the tourniquet from his dying buddy

  6. Is it a drone? Is it a shell? Is it a mine? No, it’s the Ukrainian people kicking ass

  7. So they basically ran out of tanks and BMPs and they have to use cheapo MT-LBs and cars? Whats next? Horses?

  8. I wonder what they were talking about at 6:50, missing limbs, and waiting for the next Ukrainian drone to get into position.

  9. Dude these videos are well put together now. Editing is getting good. Feels like a video game. Really making some desencitizing material

  10. this movie shows humans at their degratory worst example of all kind. Their brains are so full of damage from chemicals/alco/glue use during their misery previous life that they have basically become apes. So its good that they die considering their objective, to murder innocent people in another countries following Putler, the hogboy

  11. It’s always sad to see humans killing each other…
    With that being said: good fucking riddance.

    Stop invading other sovereign nations, and GTFO of Ukraine.

    If Trump becomes President in November, he would pull support faster than his wife recoils away when he tries to touch her. He wants to suck off Putin so badly it makes me sick.
    It is of the UPMOST importance (not only for the future of Ukraine) that Trump NEVER gets a 2nd term.

  12. It’s like endless sheep going to the slaughter, urging the ones behind to hurry…

  13. So machen die Narren eine neue Erfahrung, die man nur einmal im Leben machen kann.

    Warum laufen sie alle weg, ich dachte, sie wollten die Ukraine erobern ?

  14. It’s so satisfying to watch these low-life Russian soldiers get their asses blown out through their mouths. How’s it taste, Russie?

  15. What is wrong with the Russian people? i was in the camp that felt sorry for the soldiers but how can you still? they dont care about there own life, when they are killed, there family get potatoes, i actually seen the mother smiling about it, another got a coat…

  16. The first image should be permanently enshrined in the Reddit dictionary to describe the term “yeet”.

  17. …..I don’t want to go to war. I do not want to die like this. I can only imagine how this sounded..

    Wind blowing… Distant shelling and the Shriek of your fellow man before a sharp, loud, ground felt bang of explosives…. The wizz of the prop blades of FPV drones and the absolute stink of the eastward wind… The burning pungent tinge of alkaline and lithium batteries as they burn the same magnitude as Magnesium and cook polyester uniforms with the sickening sweet smell of burning human fat and blood and bile on the wisp….

    Just go home jsfc I’m tired of this war…

  18. The first hit: There were many astronauts, and the cost of their training rapidly decreased. Good job, Russia.

  19. How generous for the last one to save a drone and use his own bullet instead😆

  20. This footage is intense.

    What an absolutely insane battlefield to be on.

    Watching that Russian bleed out and get dropped on is going to give me nightmares. I sincerely wish the Russians would end this and go home.

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