‘Surge’ in executions of Ukrainian POWs suggests it is ‘Russian policy’, prosecutor general says

‘Surge’ in executions of Ukrainian POWs suggests it is ‘Russian policy’, prosecutor general says

Today, after yet more long-range Ukrainian strikes against Russian targets, we hear that as executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russian troops have allegedly surged this year, a top Kyiv official warns it could indicate a shift in Moscow’s policy.

  1. According to Zolkin, it’s psychological warfare as to why it gets circulated by ruZ. As in, yes it’s very much deliberate – serves coupla purposes.
    1st. Aim is to inspire UA to retaliate in similar fashion. Currently UA holds the moral ground. If many vids suddenly start surfacing western partners would likely be horrified and may stop helping.

    2nd. Ensues ruZ soldiers are less likely to easily surrender under the belief that they will receive similar treatment. As in, the propaganda already tells them of what ‘horrors’ await them if they are captured, they already are well aware of how their own system treats POWs.. if the Fact that UA operates and adheres to the Geneva Convention became common knowledge (and HAS to due to the close focus by its western partners, if for no other reason), ruZ soldiers would undoubtedly surrender much more easily

    3rd. Yes, the utter dehumanising factor.

  2. Please don't' bring that woman on again. She should have issued an advisory before detailing the execution. I intentionally avoided twitter since I heard that video was going around, only to hear it in detail on this podcast.

  3. It is heart-wrenching and infuriating to hear of the execution of POW's. While in Ukraine, I have spoken with many people who have loved ones who are being held by Russia. I cannot imagine the pain they are going through. And the fear of their loved ones being tortured and then perhaps executed. It is all so brutal. Russia cannot be allowed to gain anything by this war.

  4. Remember last yeaer a Russian prison housing 60 Ukrainian soldiers blew up. The Russians claimed that the Ukrainians had hit it with a missile because they were punishing their troops, or afraid that they would "talk". The Russians refused to allow international observers. Later video emerged showing that the blasts occured from within the prison, and not from a missile penetrating from the outside.

  5. The political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis presupposes the elimination of its root causes, in particular the strengthening of Kiev's military potential by Western countries, which threatens Russia's interests, Ambassador to China Igor Morgulov said.

    "We praise the balanced and consistent position of the Chinese side on the Ukrainian crisis," he said at a reception in the embassy on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and China. "The initiative on its political and diplomatic settlement must take into account the need to eliminate the root causes of the conflict, including the long-term eastward expansion of NATO despite Russia's interests, the creation of an anti-Russian bridgehead in Ukraine by the West, the policy of the Kiev regime aimed at eradicating everything Russian, including the language, culture and the Orthodox Church," the ambassador pointed out.

    According to him, Russia proposes to Eurasia's "constructive players" to work together on the formation of a new security architecture based on equality and indivisibility, taking into account the potential of existing multilateral formats. "We note the significant convergence of this proposal with China's initiative on global security," the diplomat emphasized.

    On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. On October 2, 1949, the Soviet Union became the first country in the world to recognize the new China.

  6. The execution of POWs is despicable! Ukraine has a new Cardinal from Australia – Melbourne Bishop Mykola Bychok. He called kaputin a "modern Herod". May Our Lady of Zarvanytsia , Andrey Sheptytsky, Blessed Nicholas Charnetsky, Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky and all Ukrainian saints, First Testament Prophets (Elijah, Ezekiel, Joel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Amos, Malachi etc), Jewish holy men and women, St Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, all the angels, St Therese of Lisieux, St Francis of Assisi, St Clare, St Benedict, St Mary MacKillop, St Joseph, St John Paul II and St George ask the Almighty to help Ukraine. May it be freed from Russian oppression. May all who have died RIP and may relatives and friends be comforted. May the angels protect Ukrainian defenders. God is always on the side of the oppressed, never the oppressor.

  7. That Slovak statement makes me worried about the EU. Orban is already using Hungry’s membership to try scupper EU’s support for
    Ukraine. These Russian friendly countries could be planning taking over EU’s direction. Russia has already exerted influence on eastern German (Ex-DDR) politicians.
    This Irish politician story could also fit this spread of Russian Influence.
    Putin’s. Tactics were always long term. Example: the insurgents placed in Ukraine 2014; the tactics used to keep presence in Moldova etc.

    Both Trump and Putin agreed on wanting to weaken Europe. For Trump the commercial power; for Putin, as we now see, the political and military strength.
    They win via creating discord and Brexit fits in there. Farage uses Trump tactics!

  8. The title story makes no sense. If anything, you’d expect the Russians to welcome individual surrenders more. Especially when the Ukrainian front lines are falling apart.

    Besides, just like with the “meat waves” narrative, where is the evidence?

  9. Call me , well i dont know what, but hearing voices of people who not only now, refer to him by name, but worked, with, knew and obviously loved David. The Elite teams grief is papable . Our grief.

  10. This is utter nonsense. The Russians are trying
    to encourage the Ukrainians to surrender, which
    the Ukrainians won't do if they think they'll be
    executed. The Telegraph will uncritically repeat
    any propaganda puked up by Kiev, no matter how
    ridiculous it might be.

  11. As an Irish citizen the Russian spy story has been received here with little more than a giggle.
    It's worth mentioning that an Intel on the Russian embassy in Dublin had an enormous amount of "staff" giving rise to further enquiry of spying on the Irish state and the Brexit issues of hard and soft borders between the European Union and the UK.
    Thankfully the awful possibility of Russian interference culminating in a republican or loyalist atrocitie never occurred.
    Keep up the great work
    Shane Collins

  12. No evidence at all that Russia is executing any Ukrainian POW, not even mercenaries who go there for the only purpose to m… people without being held responsible for it.
    But, obviously "The Telegraph" never ever was interested in truth.

  13. Russia is committing genocide against innocent Ukraine POW, unarmed. There are videos also of ahmat checenss decapitating innocent POW, unarmed men. Putin is a monster

  14. British people live in a constant stream of misinformation spread daily, yet no one seems to question it. Is this due to fear or a form of collective acceptance?

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