Der Iran betreibt dringende Diplomatie, während er sich auf die Reaktion Israels auf Raketenangriffe vorbereitet

Der Iran betreibt dringende Diplomatie, während er sich auf die Reaktion Israels auf Raketenangriffe vorbereitet

  1. Iran loved fucking around, but now with the imminent finding out, they want to try diplomacy? This would be sitcom level hilarious if it wasn’t an actual nation we are talking about.

  2. Isreal has been waiting for an excuse to hit Iran’s nuclear enrichment sites for years. Now they have the perfect excuse. They would be foolish not to take this opportunity.

  3. “urgent diplomacy”


    the mullahs suddenly are less interested in martyrdom

    How about that?

  4. Rosh Hashanah and Oct 7 windows have closed, the Yom Kippur window closes this weekend. The window to strike Iran opens Monday. No wonder they’re nervous.

  5. ‘Iran’s government is extremely nervous and has been engaging in urgent diplomatic efforts with countries in the Middle East to gauge whether they can reduce the scale of Israel’s [response to its missile attack]( earlier this month and – if that fails – help protect Tehran, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.’

    Wait, they were so brave and bold when it came to launching rockets at Israeli cities. They need to keep that same energy when the missiles are coming down on their heads.

  6. Israel and the world learned from Ukraine, if you keep letting the bully go. They will just take more and more. Under the cover of civilians did they think Israel wouldnt dare kill innocent people protecting terrorists. Welp Israel had enough of the bullies and now just crippled 2 and is going for the kill on the 3rd

  7. Iran your allies are Russia and I presume NK. You are in trouble for supporting anti Israeli proxies for so long. They are getting destroyed and you are next.

  8. and russia is not there anymore to protect them they have serious issues with army size. china is a big question.

  9. If Iran has any politcal chits, now is the time to use though I doubt it has any to start with.

  10. Iran fires hundreds of missles at Israel and the world expects Israel to give a balanced response? Why? Israel, you should do whatever it takes to end the threat from Iran. It’s war and you should defend yourself with everything you have at your disposal. Iran be damned.

  11. I’m no expert, but hasn’t Iran pissed off most Middle Eastern countries that could actually help. Like who is going to stick their head out for Iran, who has been stirring up shit in the Middle East?

  12. Ill translate. Iran has realized its misinformation campaign to frame the Israelis as the aggressor has failed and they now realize Israel isn’t stopping at the proxies.

  13. The feigned diplomacy to make Israel look like intolerant aggressors for fighting back. ‘We were in the middle of trying to negotiate peace talks and they attacked us! 🥺’

  14. Israel is like an interest bearing account. Iran has invested poorly , and rates are going through the roof these days. What constitutes a “proportionate” response to some of the most heinous attacks ever? I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that one.

  15. Stop shooting missiles. Tell Hezbollah and the others to stand down and disband.

    Problem solved Iran!

  16. Their nuclear and OIL sites should have been destroyed a long time ago. We cannot continue to negotiate with terrorists. Now is the time to do it.

  17. This regime has been evil for decades.Burnt women alive.It’s really time for it to fall

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