Secure the spell check

Posted by Apricot-Rose

  1. This is intentional, as it gets people to repost the image. Which is exactly what’s happening.

  2. “This billboard is going to be $6000 are you SURE everything looks ok?”. GOP : “yeah yeah , whatever they are all the best words “.

  3. “How’s the billboard look, Jethro?”


    ‘It good. Many see it when drive in vroom vrooms past.’

  4. No spelling mistake detected it’s a shift in policy to align more with biblical values.

    Hebrews 13:2
    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

    They want us to properly look after those that we bring into the nation to work for us, not just pay them but provide them services as compensation making them Boarders.


  5. This would pass spell check since “boarder” is also a word. The only thing that fix this is an education.

  6. This is their #1 issue, and they can’t be bothered to spell it correctly… as if it’s only a talking point.

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