Brixton ‘twenty times worse’ than ’24-hour crack supermarket’ of the early 2000s, locals warn

Brixton ‘twenty times worse’ than ’24-hour crack supermarket’ of the early 2000s, locals warn

by SuperVlad05

  1. I pass through Brixton regularly and it’s pretty common – and still really jarring – to see people gathered around smoking crack out in the open. I wouldn’t even know where to start trying to fix the problem.

  2. It’s not just Brixton, there are so many more crackheads out on the street in general. Feels like the heroin crisis of the 90’s. Totally out of control.

    Also wasn’t expecting the photo of the woman with her bum out 😂

  3. Damn. I think free public toilets could help with the public urination and defecation, but a lot needs to be put into addiction treatment

  4. Reminds me of the time I got the number 3 home from work, and someone who got on by Brixton tube station thought it would be a delightful idea to start smoking spice on the top deck where I was sitting. Happy days

  5. Surreal that you have so many young professionals working their arses off paying £2,000+ for one bedroom apartments in Brixton and then in the same area you have gangsters and crack heads living in social housing (courtesy of the taxes paid by said yuppies!). It’s a funny old world.

  6. Used to live in Brixton until few months ago. This was one of the reasons I left. I was in an estate really close to the centre and towards the end a crack addict got into the lift and did a massive shit/piss. The colour of the piss was like uranium.

    Love the place but its so weird you have hipsters/posh people enjoying the bars restaurants. Then a street over like 50m away there will be ppl hitting the pipe. You can really find every walk of life there from good to bad

  7. Had people break into our apartment building 2 times in the last year to do heroin in the stairwell. It’s definitely getting worse. Worst it’s been in the 8 years I’ve lived here.

  8. It’s incessant. I live on a road just down from Brixton Station, which has become part of one of the LTNs (for the record, I’m very much in favour of the LTNs). The crackheads have got so much worse and so much bolder in recent years. They congregate round the churches, they camp down the little cul de sacs, they constantly look in car windows for stuff to nick. Once a week at least I’ll see some of the arseholes wandering up and down the street looking in people’s front yards for stuff to nick, or rooting through all the bins on the road (and leaving them open).

    Crackheads will just pitch up on the road outside, hidden between cars, and light up for an hour or two. They’ll wander into neighbours’ front yards (those without gates) and smoke up in their doorways. I tend to go outside and yell at them to fuck off or activate the alarm siren, but it gets bloody exhausting.

    There was an actual bucket (looked like a decorators bucket, likely nicked from one of the nearby refurbishments) of shit on the pavement a couple of days ago, which was lovely.

    The LTN has made things dramatically worse due to the reduced traffic (in many regards – phone snatches, crackheads, general shitty littering and arseholery), but I suspect these cretins have stopped caring so much that they’d do as they want anyway.

    Literally can’t get from my house to the station without passing a mob of them – usually either just outside the day nursery on the little estate nearby, or round the back of M&S. That, coupled with the ever present roadmen selling weed under the rail bridges, the fake Deliveroo drivers dropping cocaine off to the denizens of the nearby pub, and the fairly frequent arseholes stopping just by the LTN barrier to open their boot or drape a high vis vest or a bin bag over their number plate and then bomb through at 40 mph, and I’m definitely starting to get beyond pissed off with the general vibe round here. I’m afraid to say that any hint of sympathy I ever had for these people has vanished.

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