Ukrainians unloading a truck full of anti-tank mines

Ukrainians unloading a truck full of anti-tank mines

by Affectionate-Day-552

  1. You can see the fuses have been removed. The explosives likely have not. That is a big explosives cache that could feed some drones for a time, or they could stash them out of view for later deployment to shore their own defenses.

  2. I would have used it to mine front line in Kursk area to make it very painful for Putin to counter attack

  3. Are they storing them underground so drone or artillery round wouldn’t detonate them so easily? Usually storing explosives underground is a bad idead due to the moisture ruining the explosive over time so there must be some good reason to do this…

  4. I’ve either seen this vid from a different angle or this is the 2nd video I’ve seen where land mines are literally dumped from a dump truck. Makes me nervous just watching.. Gotta be something missing like a fuse to be able to handle them in such a manner. They’d have to be completely inert to throw them around like this.

  5. the last one make me laugh, it’s always the last one in movies or video games who made a boom :p

  6. I know they’re basically inert, and not going to explode, but I still wouldn’t really want to stamd there.

  7. What exact explosive do they contain, and whats the start Energie in J, V*A, or Temperature?
    I wonder if some small current or spark from the metal shell, friction, impact etc. could cause smth?

    Its also weird to me not hand loading them into storage racks on paletts and judt use fork lifters…

  8. Just make it so you can explode the mines from a distance, cover the mines with dirt and put 10 toilets and some dishwashers on top. Now there’s a big orc trap!

  9. The explosives in this mine are unbelievably stable. They need both fire AND pressure to detonate. We would use this type of explosives to cook ramen at high altitudes. As long as you didn’t hit the burning chuck with a hammer it wouldn’t detonate. But at the same time you could hit it with a hammer if it wasn’t on fire.

  10. I can’t help thinking if it were the Russians doing this, we would have a very big KABOOM!

  11. Little of topic but, how much of the old Soviet stockpiles of weapons (like this) did Ukraine inherit? How long can Ukraine dip into these stockpiles before running out?

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