Ukraine training army of robot drones to take out Russian targets

Ukraine training army of robot drones to take out Russian targets

Ukraine is training an army of robot drones, teaching them how to distinguish Russian soldiers on the battlefield by their uniforms and the way they move, a new report has said.

Ukraine has been called a ‘war lab for the future’ and nowhere more so than in the military use of drones, with Kyiv aiming to produce a million UAVs this year.

However, the report, written by US-Ukrainian journalist David Kirichenko, warned Nato that Western military ethics may hand Russia an advantage when it comes to the use of AI drones.


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  1. AI controlled swarm drones is the end game all militaries are working towards… the first one to achieve it will dominate on the battle ground in the future!!!.❤️🇬🇧🇺🇦

  2. Ridiculous concerns. In a WAR there will always be misjudgement. NATO can not have moral qualms when it comes to RuZZia or other fascist countries. Also people will occasionally (or on purpose) make wrong decisions. AI will never make wrong decisions on purpose. So for me it is a clear win for AI all the way.

  3. It would be a cold day in Hell before I ever supported a Dictatorship country like Ukraine and it's political system that was formed by ex N.a.z.i's and the children of ex N.a.z.i's dressed up in disguise by the USA/IMF in 2018 to look legitimate. No elections, bans all political opposition radio stations & TV ( all now state run ) replaced all civil judges with military ones. Slava Ukraine ( my arse ).

  4. Isn't it time for BFBS Forces News to come to its senses and report on the disintegration of the Ukraine army that occured over the past year?
    With hundreds of thousands of middle-aged men being sent to the front with 1 to 3 weeks actual training why is BFBS reporting on the training of drones?
    The front is collapsing, there are no more prepared fall back positions, battallions are disappearing as soldiers get killed or desert.
    It is truly awful.
    Writing puff pieces is just assisting the mad men who want the war to continue and for many more middle aged men dragged unwillingly off the streets to die.

  5. So glad I'm not infantry in this conflict, those poor kids. Between this and thermite rain drones…a whole new generation of new types of shell shock.

  6. It's not AI, not even really "algorithms" being used, it's more like heuristics assisting human operators. Full AI – as suggested in the video – would have all the efficiencies and drawbacks of mines, but in drones would be mobile. Assistance or 'smart' heuristics that keep a human in the loop less so, proportionate with how much human is in the loop. Just as dumb mines can save effort and stop advances, they can be picked up and moved by an adversary, effectively 'switching sides'. Full AI would have that hazard, but wouldn't need adversary intervention to realise it, just eg a bug in code, broken compass, poorly-worded objective, or some unexplored repertoire to be triggered by conditions not covered by pre-deployment tests.

  7. This isn't a frontier. Its just a simple neural net. Also, hacking it is pointless since you would need the enemy's data to train it in the first place. We really ought to build AI to judge conflicts in terms of diplomacy. Use of technology for military purposes should be banned worldwide.

  8. pooptin ruZZians cruelty greed and disregard for life even on theirs onw for the sake of one half troll conquest unnecessary ambitions …have created a giant in all the senses the birth of anew way of war and hope solidarity for fairness worldwide. Thank Ukrainians, thank you to the braves warriors thank to President Zalensky …glory to Ukraine, Glory to the heroes, slava Ukraine 🔱 Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦.
    Soon we will join. Stay strong stay safe.

  9. Sytuacja obecnie jest taka że armia Federacji Rosyjskiej ma już ostatnie składy amunicji artyleryjskiej. Więc proszę mi wyjaśnić jak ma przebiegać ofensywa armii rosyjskiej? Oczywiście są środki zastępcze, tyle że nie ma czegoś co powinno być podstawowego. Czyli efektywność armii rosyjskiej obniży się, później zatrzyma. Tylko błagam nie piszcie mi że na pewno wyprodukują tyle a tyle sztuk amunicji w określonym czasie, już mi pisaliście o cudach 200 procent efektywności i realia wychodzą słabiej i to mocno słabiej. Mało państw sprzeda amunicję. A że telewizja z Moskwy bajki opowiada, więc wiecie to co wiecie. Podsumowując, dalsze prowadzenie działań wojennych nie ma żadnego sensu. Nigdy nie dojdzie armia rosyjska do granicy ukraińsko polskiej. To będzie coś na wzór wojny Afganistan a ZSRR, czyli wszystko stracone. Tak jak pisałem pierwsze błędy poczynił Włodzimierz Lenin. G030

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