I honestly feel really sorry for him…

I honestly feel really sorry for him…

by eyeslikestarr

  1. Its as if Diana reached out from beyond the grave, saw how he bent the knee to the whole business of the firm, shook her head and yanked out all the luscious Spencer genes and left him with the mountbatten windsor ones

  2. Why does this meme get posted like every other day? Alopecia jokes are not funny! It’s the same as taking the piss out of a person in a wheelchair for being in a wheelchair. Not funny!

  3. He seems pretty happy with it to me; if he wanted hair, he would have it within weeks via transplant.

  4. Oh no, an adult human male aged appropriately for their species and sex 😱

    And I don’t know if it’s because I’m 30+, but I think he looks far more handsome in the bottom pictures

  5. As someone who went on the opposite trajectory, his smug cunt look in image 1 while I was a fat ugly cunt…. He deserves it all.

  6. He’s sad and moody in the first two and smiling in the other two. I don’t feel sorry for him! He’s happier now and he’s also loaded!

  7. Yeah dont mind the hair but why he started to smile tis way – lookes like Wallace and Gromit character. My friend calls it “Drying the teeth”.

  8. Honestly, this annoys me a lot. He is just a human male who has gotten older. Like we all do. I wish people would stop this BS.

  9. I disagree. Ok I might be biased for a very specific reason but he’s incredibly fit, and I love the lack of vanity from the British aristocracy.

  10. He’s aged. Because he is human oh my god!!!!!! Still looks hot this post is dumpster fire karma farming at the expensive of male mental health

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