What does Hassan Nasrallah’s death mean for the Middle East? #BBCNews #Shorts

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  1. Direct result of British orchestrated Islamic revolution of British trained ayatollah Khomeini ( son of William Richard Williamson known as haji William from Bristol city) in 1979 when they stabbed wonderful shah of iran in order to exploit thd entire region as planned by master Rothschild

  2. This is an American backed Israeli plan to escalate war in the region to establish a "greater israel". They did not instigate this to retract after destroying Gaza, and are leaving no option for others to not retaliate to their aggression.
    Escalation seems unavoidable.

  3. We must call out Israel for what it is doing. We and our allies must distance ourselves from them until they comply with international law. The BBC needs to show moral clarity on this.

  4. USA.

    My God we need, the amendments in Blighty.
    Please support seemingly our only out, way out, Farage?!?, Richard Tice, Ben Habib and our phenomenal, but completely commonsense, Lee Anderson, Reform Party MP.

    Beware, BE AWARE, what Stroma Zarr is wreaking upon, British pensioners, smokers, hitting freedom with an army of Stasi, it doesn't bear thinking about for you Stateside,..

    …, however, if your public are suckered into voting Democrat, bad kharma Starma, Ka-me,-me- Eli- on, will with little doubt to the same.

    Bear in mind Starmpot, but job, lived in the 'Palace of Aki'.

    Ali being donor to labour and angling for a no smoking, no drinking, no enjoyment whatsoever ever, 'isl–ic' hell.

  5. Israel in last two weeks surgically crippled hezbolah and shut down Iranian response. The US forces in the region have deterred Iran.
    The Supreme grand PUMA of Iran went into hiding, because it knows Israel can reach out and touch the jihadist regime.
    Is Israel going into hiding NO. UNTOUCHABLES.
    What we saw at recent UN Arab mafia was trampling over each other to make a deal with Israel.

  6. Israel is doing all what they are doing only because they have support & backing, military and financial from USA!. And Israel is lucky because the arab world is not united!. If Turkey & Iran join forces with Hezbollah to attack Israel, it is going to be a really dangerous situation for Israel!.

  7. "If Hezbollah decides they want to go full Tonto on this…" ๐Ÿ˜… The Brits can be hilarious at times. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    A full-on war with these really dangerous missles is no laughing matter. If US warships open up on Hezbollah, Iran does nothing. Hamas is gone. The entire Hezbollah leadership is wiped out. These terrorists exist BECAUSE Iran has used them to do the dying in their war on Israel. Iran hasn't wanted to take on Israel directly.

  8. The Iranian are stratigising.
    To be able to survive .even though they know they are militaries strong. They have a lot to lose
    So they are making sure they have backup and can survive while
    Being able to damage Israel
    They stockpiling thy have more than Israel. But Israel thinks they
    Have the technology knowledge. And the US . Iranians have millions of people and square miles
    The Israeli has to kill 10 million
    To defeat the Iranian plus others

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